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The text bubbles die and my doorknob rattles. “Wake up, lazy bones. Let me in.”

Al:Promise me.

Al:Promise me, Jessica!

Me:I promise.

I stuff Kane’s shirt under my pillow and throw a panicked glance around my room to make sure I’ve hidden all the incriminating evidence of my night in his bed.

The files can stay out, since they’re work.

They can even stay on my bed. That wouldn’t be weird. But his shirt needs to go.

Standing on my weak ankle, I grunt when I press my weight down and forget to brace. Overcorrecting and bouncing to my other foot, I tug my ribs and grunt a second time.

Jesus, I’m a hot mess.

“Jess! Get up.”

“I’m coming!” I hit the lock on my door and stand in the way before my boss barrels in. “I was napping. What the hell are you doing banging on my door on a sick day? I’m pretty sure there are workplace laws about that.”

With softening eyes, she brings a hand out to mimic Luc and Kari. Sliding her palm along my forehead, then cupping my cheek, her bright eyes hold apology. “You don’t look so good. How are you feeling?”

“Tired.” I shrug. That’s not even a lie. “Sore. Yucky.” Turning away, I move back to my bed and sit, though I’d rather flop.

Stupid stitches.

“You were napping?” Stepping forward with narrowed eyes, in a sky-blue skirt suit and a low bun of blonde hair, Juliette Turner walks around with the tiniest, cutest little baby bump and makes it look seriously fashionable. Picking up the top file from my pile, she flips it open and misses the way my hands shake with need.

Give it back.

He’s mine.

“Have you been working instead of napping? Sick days mean no work, Jessica.”

“I was doing both. Working. Napping. Working when I woke. Nap some more. Then you got here. Are you gonna be here long? My eyes weigh a ton.”

Smirking, her gaze meets mine over the top of the file. “You’re lucky I’m not sensitive. Anyone would think I was unwelcome in your bedroom. We’re here for dinner.”

I frown. “Who’s cooking? Not me.”

“Alex is ordering pizza. I wanted to come over to talk to you. Luc said he’s off shift. Marc told Alex to watch over his sister and to hit him in the face if he touches her. Or even if he doesn’t, he has permission to hit just for funsies.” She flashes a playful grin. “But no matter what, baby wants pepperoni. Baby’s gonna get pepperoni.” Flipping the file in her hand, the heavy slap of cardboard on her palm makes me jump. “You got enough energy for twenty minutes? Pizza will be here about then. Then we can stop.”

“Sure.” My hands shake. “What do you wanna talk about?”

“Kane Bishop.”

Kill me now.

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark