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Did he drop out knowing where his life was leading?

Did he court people like Abel Hayes?

If he did; why?

Obviously crimedoesn’tpay – for Kane, anyway. It pays for men like Hayes, the men at the top of the food chain, but the feeder fish at the bottom barely make enough to live.

Why is the mighty and powerful Kane Bishop a feeder fish, when in my stomach, it feels like he was born to lead?

Vibrating against my leg, I frown when my phone chirps and interrupts my work. I wasn’t done staring.

I feel like there are answers. Somewhere really close to the surface, I feel like there’s more to this than I can see.

Distractedly picking up my cell, I enter the passcode and start swiping on automatic. Expecting to get pictures of sex toys from the girls – but not Kari – I stop with a shot of adrenaline when a new name pops up.

Al:Hey, Blondie. You’re thinkin’ of me, aren’t ya?

Me:Kane? Who is Al?

Me:And no!

Al:You totally are. I’ve been waiting all day for pictures of your pussy. You left me hanging.

I left him hanging?

Me:You killed a man! You. Killed. A. Man! You’re going to prison as soon as Abel goes to trial.

Al:I’m not going to prison ever. I’ll die first. Don’t worry so much.



Al:Did you change your phone password yet? For a smart girl, you’re kinda dumb sometimes. Change it from your birthday before someone less morally standing than me finds your phone. I saw some important shit in there last night. Account numbers. Passwords. I could even hack your Facebook right now. How would you live if I posted pics of your butt plug under your profile?

Me:That wasn’t my butt plug!

Al:It sure as shit wasn’t mine. But you should be aware; I’m a man. We don’t do subtlety. You don’t have to drop hints, pass out in my arms, plant the plug in your bag, and hope I go snooping. Next time just put it in your ass and bend over. Guaranteed, not even my dumb brain will miss your message.

I refuse to entertain his filthy request.

Me:I never said you were dumb.

Al:Your reports say high school dropout. I might talk slow, darlin’. I might’ve failed math. But I’m not too dumb to notice your ass in my face. You don’t need brains to satisfy a woman. You just need a cock. My cock.

Al:Bend over for me. I’ll make you scream before your hands touch the floor.

Al:What’s the wildest place you’ve ever been fucked?

Without giving me a chance to breathe, he continues with his barrage of messages and worsens the pulsing heat in my underwear.

Al:You’ve thought about it, haven’t you? I sure as fuck have. Blonde hair curtaining your face. Head down. Ass up. You want my hands on you, don’t you? Imagine it; me standing behind you. Fucking you. Slapping your ass. Since you’re partial to sex toys, I could pick up a few more. I’d trade grocery money for lube and something nice for you. Fuck your ass with my cock. Fuck your pussy with a toy. Then we could flip you over and do it the other way. I’m not a wasteful man. I’ll use both.

Al:Ever been fisted before? It’ll hurt the first time. But you trusted me with the stitches, right? I’d take care of you.

Al:Did you know Infernos isn’t only a dance club. They have rooms for all sorts of shit. The music is loud, so no one will hear you. But they have glass walls and curtains, so if you want to be heard, if you want to be seen, we could do that, too.

Al:I know I said not to come back to my side, but fuck, Blondie. All this sexting has me ready to blow.

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark