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I nod. Just a simple meeting of the eyes, and a nod.

He slides rough hands along my legs as gently as if he were touching a soap bubble. Folding his body, he follows my panties with his tongue.

Over my knee.

Along my shins.

I scramble away with a laugh when he nips at my ankle, but he simply grabs me and tugs me back down the bed until my pussy touches his dick.

Laughter forgotten, I groan. “Don’t make me wait. It feels like I’ve waited a long time for this. Longer than you know.”

“Because you’ve been sleeping with my file. You ever touch yourself after looking at my file?”


At my blatant lie, he snorts and walks his fingers along my thighs. With my legs around his hips and my knees bent, I’m open to him.

Wide open and wet enough to take anything he gives me.

“You’re a lawyer. You’dneverlie.” Sliding his hand over the thatch of hair covering my pussy, he looks up and licks his lips. “What do you taste like, Jessica Ann? Are you sweet? Are you salty? Are you heaven?”

He moves off the end of the bed and drags me along the covers so fast, my skin warms at the friction. Moving to his knees, kneeling for me, he pushes me back until I lie flat, lifts my knees, and buries his face between my legs.

“Kane! Oh my God.” My limbs shake as he suckles on my pulsing clit. Lifting my feet and resting them over his shoulders, he leans in and plays me like a skilled musician. “Oh my God.”Stop. Don’t stop.“That feels so good.”

“Mmm.” Replacing his tongue with fingers, he hits the magical spot inside me and draws a gush of pleasure onto the bedspread. “You taste sweet, Jess. You taste better than I remember.” His lips glisten with moisture as he waits for my eyes. “You taste like I could eat you every day for the rest of my life, and I’d never tire of your flavor.”

“I wanna taste you.” I lift to my elbows, even as his skilled fingers work my body. “An eye for an eye. Payback. Whatever you want to call it, I want my turn.”

I fall back with a cry and shove my hand in my mouth when he curls his fingers inside me. “Nope.” Leaning forward, he tugs my hand from my mouth. “Don’t be quiet. I don’t care who hears, butIwanna hear. Don’t take that from me.”

“I’m messing up your bed.”

Scoffing, he jumps to his feet and leaves me a whimpering mess at the loss of his fingers, but then he flops down onto the bed and pulls me up so my naked ass is in his face and my weight rests on my hands and knees. “Undo my jeans, Jessica Ann. Take me into your mouth. Take me all the way to the back of your throat. We gotta do it all tonight, claim it all, just in case.”

Too turned on to worry about his warning, too horny to stop and study the ink covering his belly and hip bones, I unsnap his jeans and push them down when he lifts his hips.

I free his pulsing cock from his jeans, the thick veins throbbing as it fills with blood. Leaving his jeans mid-thigh, too impatient to wait any longer, I take him in my hand and squeeze until a droplet of moisture glistens at the tip.

“Jess…” His hips impatiently jut forward. “Do it. Make my dreams come true. Swallow my cock.”

I lean forward with my bare ass still in the air, slide my tongue past my lips, and collect the single drop of salty liquid that sits on the tip. “Mmm. So good.” I push back when his fingers teasingly slide around outside of my pussy – teasing, tempting, but leaving me wanting more.

Experimenting with his size, I slide my lips over the tip and squeeze the base with my hand.

Instantly, his teasing fingers turn to a thumb unapologetically pushing into my ass. He buries his face in my pussy and juts his hips up until I’m filled in every way.

I cry out with pleasure and my teeth graze over his cock – but he doesn’t shy back. If anything, it spurs him on until he jackhammers and fucks my face from the bottom.

His tongue digs deep inside me as his spare hand grips my hip, pulling me back until I literally sit on his face. I grind against him, powerless to stop my movements.

Finally pulling my weight, I use my upper strength – what little I have – and push myself up into a perpetual push-up. With one hand on the bed and the other wrapped around the base of his dick, I slide my lips from the tip down as far as I can fit him.

Each time he touches the back of my throat, I choke, but instead of slowing him, it spurs him on. “Fuck, Jess.”

“Mmm.” Riding his face, riding his cock, I bring my teeth as close to his flesh as I can without actually biting him.

He pulls back and replaces his tongue with his fingers. Two fingers. Three. I can’t tell, but he stretches me until it hurts, but even the burn of the stretch turns me on.

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark