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“Show me.” I take his hand from my hip and slide it up my uninjured side until it cups my breast. “You wanted to taste my boobs, didn’t you? I know you did. I’ve seen you looking. I’ve seen you lick your lips.” When his eyes remain on my chest, I demand, “Answer me, Kane. You want to taste me, don’t you?”

“Yes. I want to taste you.” His haunted eyes come up to mine. “I want tokeepyou.”

“You can’t keep me if you go to prison. And you can’t keep me if you die. But you can have me for tonight. You can claim me, call me yours. You can have any part of me, as rough as you want it. As soft. As fast. As slow. You can play me however you want me.”

“What’s the catch?”

I’m cracking him. I’m winning. “No catch. You’re done working for tonight. No matter where I sleep, nothing changes. Just don’t send me away. Don’t make me think I’m worth tossing into the street in the middle of the night.”

“You’ll run tomorrow? You’ll go away and not come back until the Hayes thing is done?”

No. I’m not leaving town until you do.“Sure. We’ll discuss it.”

“‘We’ll discuss it’means no. You’re lying to me.”

“I’m a lawyer, Kane. Lawyers never lie.”

His hand massages my breast, his finger and thumb pluck at my nipple. I’m not even sure he knows he’s doing it, but I know.

My body knows.

“You know magic, Jessica Ann. You know how to make men do as you ask. You know how to make meriskyou.”

“Just for tonight.” Standing on my toes, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him lower until his breath fans my lips. Nibbling – but careful to avoid the split from his fight – somehow feels more intimate than the time he had his fingers inside me. “Kiss me back, Kane. Fuck me.”


I slide my tongue along his lip and revel in the way his heart gallops against mine. “All this talk, you could’ve been balls deep already.”

Finally speaking the magic words, he lets out a growl and drops his hands back to my ass. Picking me up until my legs wrap around his hips, he spins and slams me against the thin wall. The breath explodes from my lungs, then his lips clamp over mine and my head turns woozy.

No oxygen. Squished. No room.

But I pull him closer, because it doesn’t matter.

His strong hands hold my ass. His tongue lashes out and slides along my lips. Instantly, the taste of blood zings on my taste buds, but it doesn’t matter either.

Sliding my hands into his short hair, my nails scratch along his scalp and dig in when his cock grinds against my pulsing clit.

“Fuck, Jess.” Crushing me against the wall, his lips cruise along my jaw until they latch onto my neck. Over the mark Lance left behind, he pulls my flesh between his lips and sucks hard enough that I cry out. “You have no reason to believe me, Jess. You have no reason to trust, but I swear to God, I’m clean. I’m not a pig like you think. I have no baby mamas. I’m just me, and I really wanna feel you without a condom.”

“It’s okay.” I arch my neck to allow him room to work. “I’m yours tonight. Any way you want me. I’m on the pill. I never miss. No accidents in the past. No baby daddies.”

“All mine.”

“Uh-huh.” His hungry hands tear my bra down, and when his lips latch onto my nipple, I cry out at the overload of sensations. So many sensations. So much is happening. His cock presses to my clit as his hands knead my ass. He’s careful not to touch my ribs, but his teeth bite hard enough to almost pull an orgasm straight from deep inside me. “Yes. All yours. Any part of me. You can claim anything. You can keep it forever.”

I squeal when he spins away from the wall, and as my hair flies and my hands grab, I laugh and whimper in the same breath when his teeth nip at the hollow of my throat. “All mine.” Lowering to one knee on the bed, he gently places me in the center.

He brings a second knee up and crouches between my legs. His strong hands, marked from fingertip to shoulder with artful ink, slide along my belly, pause over my lace covered pussy, and with his eyes on mine, he pushes his thumb past the fabric.

I cry out at the unexpected intrusion and lift my pelvis in request.

He slowly inches my underwear over my hips. “Swear to Christ, Jessica Ann, I thought about this that first night in my bed. You woke me up. You were on top of me. You touched my cock in your sleep and you licked me. You rode my thigh for ten whole minutes before I brought you back to the surface.”

“I wanted you, Kane.” I wiggle my hips to get his attention. “I rode your leg, and I dreamed ofyou. I would’ve let you fuck me. You were right; I wanted it, but I was being a prude.”

When he hooks his finger into my panties, the eagle tattooed on his throat soars when he swallows. “I wanna get a look at your pussy, Jess. Let me see my prize.”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark