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“You’re gonna stretch me around your cock.”

“Yeah, baby.” His hips push up and slam to the back of my throat. “I need you to stretch now, because you’re squeezing my tongue. That’s gonna become an issue when it’s my cock.”

Braver than I feel, I smile and pull back. “You scared I’m gonna hurt you?”

Laughing, he pulls his finger from my ass and changes my smile to a cry. Lifting me up and spinning me around, heputsme on his hips and brings his hand between us. He shoots up and takes my still exposed nipple between his teeth, and using his spare hand, he unclasps my bra and tosses it across the room. “I wanna stretch you out, Jess. I wanna know that was me. It might hurt, and a part of me won’t care. A part of me wants it to hurt, because that makes it mine.”

I allow him to lift me, to move me onto my knees so I can look down and watch his glistening cock throb and twitch.

Sitting up tall, I wrap one arm around his neck and pull him in until our tongues clash and the flavor on his tongue transfers to mine. I knock his hand out of the way and wrap mine around the base of his dick, making him groan into my mouth. My gaze tracks his face, lingering on that frown, the permanent wrinkle that marks his forehead and makes him appear that much more dangerous, but it’s nothing on the animalistic groan that comes from deep in his throat, or his teeth clamping on my bottom lip as I slide over him.

He stretches me, just like he promised, and not only doesn’t he slow to allow me time to adjust, he takes my hips and slams inside me.

A claim.

A mating.

No apologies and no negotiations.

Just like we said, I’m his tonight, to take as he pleases.

Thisis how he pleases.

I wrap my second arm around his neck and simply brace myself and let him fuck me. The sting makes way for a pleasure so overwhelming, so all consuming, my orgasm rushes to the surface and thrashes my body.

Kane takes my hips in his hands, scissors up, and flips us over. I cry out when he accidentally knocks my ribs, but he simply pulls my legs up over his shoulders and slams deep inside me until the tip of his cock knocks on my womb, sending both pleasure and pain zinging through my blood.

Pleasure and pain.

Kane Bishop summed up in two words.

Lowering over me, he squishes my thighs to my chest and leans in to tangle our tongues together. “Never felt anything so good in my life.” His hot breath fans my jaw. “Exactly like I expected you to feel.”

I move up the bed each time he slams against me. Within a minute, I’m touching distance of the headboard, so reaching out and bracing, instead of moving up the bed when he pushes inside me, I absorb the slam and cry out. “Kane.”

“Yeah.” Laughing, he allows one leg to drop so he can access my nipple.“Kane, fuck me like you mean it.I knew that’s how you’d sound.”

My breasts bounce each time he slams in. My orgasm races to the edge and teases me.

Not until he’s ready.I will not run until he runs. I will not jump until he jumps.

I push him back so I can drop my leg, then pull him closer until our chests touch, leaving his hands free to explore my body.

He pulls out to the very tip, sliding over every sensitive nerve ending I possess, and when his eyes meet mine, he races back in, knocking the breath from my lungs.

“Jess.” Gritting his teeth on the next thrust, his eyes scrunch shut. “Come with me, beautiful. Hurry. Jump.”

I do.

With his permission, I simply close my eyes and stop fighting my release; and when his lips slam down on mine, when his grunts feed me the oxygen I was so desperate for, when he comes deep inside me and warms me from the inside out, my nails dig into his shoulder blades and I ride the almost painful release that tears through my body like fire.

Like aninferno.

Chest heaving, Kane’s hot breath bathes my chest as he crushes me beneath his weight. Aftershocks pulse through my body and contract my core, and each time I squeeze him, he groans against my throat.

“Jessica Ann.” Words muffled, he nibbles on my flesh until I purr. “Fuck. I knew it.” He pushes up and holds enough of his own weight to allow me room to breathe. “I knew you’d be the end of me.”

“No.” I bring my hand up to smooth the wrinkle in his brow. “Not the end. Just the beginning.”

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark