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“He’s fine,” Bastian told me. “Don’t worry, baby. You’re in good hands.”

I studied my cruel, beautiful monster, biting my bottom lip as Damian unbuttoned his dress shirt. Needing to touch him, I slid my hands up his chest, feeling the ridges of his muscles. He worked quickly to peel off his shirt and strip down to his boxer briefs. Without hesitation, I had my hands on him again, leaning forward to kiss my way down his ripped stomach.

His cock poked through the slit in his black boxer briefs. So I took his long length in my hand, giving him a few strokes. Bastian pulled me backward onto the bed with him. I sat between his open legs as Damian climbed between my thighs, jerking his shaft as he bent down to lick me again.

Luca got into the bed on my right side, Marcello on my left. With the four of them touching me, studying every inch of my body, I felt out of my element. I’d never even been with one man. How could I handle all of them?

I grabbed hold of Luca’s big cock and sat up so I could take him into my mouth. A sinister groan ripped from his throat when I sucked harder, practicing what Bastian had taught me. This was only the third time I’d given a blow job. I wasn’t sure if I was doing it right, but he looked satisfied.

As Damian plunged his tongue inside me, he gripped my thighs, my entire body numb for the sheer pleasure. I moaned with Luca’s cock in my mouth, his hand on the back of my head. Luca yanked on my hair, forcing me to choke on his dick. Bastian sucked on my nipple as Damian spread me open with his tongue, while Marcello rolled his thumb over my clit.

I gagged on Luca’s cock, tears streaming down my cheeks as he held the back of my head in a vise. It should have bothered me. I should have been mad at him for being so rough.

I came hard on Damian’s tongue, my arms and legs shaking uncontrollably. Waves of heat, then cold, rushed throughout my body. Luca tightened his grip on my hair, his legs shaking, riding his own waves of pleasure as he filled my mouth with his cum.

He popped his cock out of my mouth, a crazed hunger in his eyes. Then he slid his thumb across my bottom lip and smirked. “Which one of my brothers taught you how to suck cock?”


Out of breath, I laid back on Bastian’s chest to regain my bearings. His long fingers slid beneath my chin, then he shoved them into my mouth for me to suck. Marcello was naked and hard beside me, his big dick poking my arm. Damian hadn’t moved from between my thighs. Luca stroked his cock. He was hard again, licking his lips as he stared at my pussy.

The Salvatore brothers were hunters. And I loved this side of them.

Bastian raised his hands and clapped. Then the room plunged into darkness. It was so black I couldn’t even make out their faces.

“Don’t be afraid,” Bastian whispered in my ear. “Without sight, you’ll have to use your other senses. Trust me, baby. This will feel good.”

“I won’t know which one of you I’m with.”

I felt him smile as his lips brushed my cheek. “That’s part of the fun, Cherry.”

Even with my heart beating out of my chest, I tried to focus on the excitement. My mind wanted me to go to that dark place. The one where I was still a scared girl, locked in a dark closet, screaming for help.

I breathed through my nose, trying to find my center, and reached out to feel their skin. One at a time, I ran my fingers over each of their muscled chests. Marcello was much thicker in the arms, so I spotted him first. Luca was the tallest but the leanest, with zero body fat. Damian had a patch of hair in the middle of his chest that trailed down to his cock. And Bastian had an X over his heart, an unmistakable scar I felt with the pad of my finger.

“That’s enough of that, Cherry.”

Kneeling on the bed between them, I whispered, “Are you ever going to tell me how you got that one?”

“Not now.” Bastian moved my hand to his cock and helped me stroke him, growing harder in my hand. “Yeah, baby. Like this.”

Someone on my left grabbed my free hand and wrapped my fingers around his length. Closing my eyes made it easier to adjust to the darkness. Without sight, I needed to use my other senses. So I tipped my nose up, consumed by their delicious scents, stroking two enormous dicks.

I noted the bergamot in Bastian’s cologne, the sandalwood in Luca’s. Marcello’s aftershave had a hint of citrus. Damian’s cologne had a woodsy scent. But with all of them this close, I had a hard time concentrating. For the life of me, I couldn’t tell them apart.

I quickened my pace, jerking their shafts in a rhythmic motion. Groans of pleasure filled the air, and then someone laid on the bed in front of me. I felt him shift his weight, then grabbed my ass cheeks with both hands. A tongue split me down the middle, slipping between my folds, lapping up my juices.

I screamed from the intense sensations shooting down my arms. “Oh, my God.”

Who was licking me? Luca? Marcello? I honestly didn’t know. I allowed myself to let go, reveling in the feeling of their hands, tongues, and mouths on my body.

After warmth filled both of my hands, I felt two of them change positions on the bed. Now I wasn’t sure which one of them rolled his tongue over my nipple. Or who had their finger in my ass, working in unison with the man sucking on my clit.

Strong hands gripped my thighs, holding me in place as an earth-shattering orgasm swept over me. Someone massaged my breast. Teeth bit my nipple. Another hand moved between my legs. A long finger slid inside me, then another.

Without seeing their faces, I knew two of them had their fingers inside of me, spreading me open. They were preparing me for what was about to come. Sharing this part of myself with them removed all the barriers between us. I’d never felt so liberated in my entire life.

For many years, I had felt as if I couldn’t be myself, that I had to play a role. But with the Salvatore brothers, I could be anything I wanted. Because they didn’t judge me. They didn’t give a damn what anyone thought about us or our unusual relationship.

Tags: Jillian Frost Princes of Devil's Creek Erotic