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He stole his lips from mine, and our moment of desire only made me crave him more. I reached out for him. But of course, he stepped back. I searched his eyes, desperate to know what I’d done to make him so disgusted by my touch.

Bastian’s fingers burrowed into my hips, his rough touch branding my skin. I needed more. Needed to feel something from someone who actually wanted me. So I turned to face Bastian, demanding he give me everything if he wanted the same in return. I wasn’t handing over my virginity to a man who couldn’t even kiss me.

I hated Luca Salvatore.

So why did I want him?

Why did he make me so mad?

Bastian controlled the moment, kissing me with a savage hunger that helped me forget about Luca. He bit my lip, sucked it into his mouth. Nibbled on my skin until I was moaning in his mouth.

I smiled at my gorgeous prince. He was so damn sexy he took my breath away. “I want you, Bash,” I said against his lips. “I’m ready.”

He was insistent on there being a perfect time. Bastian liked to plan everything. I knew he would make tonight a night I would never forget.

Bastian smirked, then he looked at Damian. “Do you hear that, brother? Cherry wants us to mark her.” His lips brushed my cheek. “To claim her virgin pussy.”

The dark expression that scrolled across Damian’s handsome face sent a shiver down my spine. He was so gorgeous, but also terrifying. With everything I knew about him and his desires, I was afraid of him hurting me.

But I trusted Bash.

At least I wanted to believe I could trust him with my life. He’d saved me from Damian once. Saved me from that asshole who tried to rape me. And he wouldn’t let Damian go too far, not like last time.

“Do you want that, Cherry?” Bastian stroked the length of my arm with his fingers, creating tiny bumps along my skin. “You want both of us?”

They were a packaged deal. Despite my fear of Damian, my pulse pounded in my ears each time he looked at me with those hunter’s eyes.

I rolled my head back on his shoulder and whispered, “I want all of you.” My eyes flicked between the four of them. “But I want you to take my virginity.”

He bent down to my height and smirked. “Why do you think I call you Cherry? You were always mine.”

I’d fallen in love with my captor. How stupid and pathetic did that make me? But it didn’t detract from the truth. I had slowly and painfully slipped under the spell of the devil incarnate.

“No,” Luca snapped. “Not like this. You’re not ruining that fucking couch.” He tipped his head toward the back of the apartment. “In the bedroom.”

Bastian lifted me over his shoulder, as if I weighed nothing, and hurried down the hall to another set of double doors. He kicked them open and set my feet on the floor in front of the bed. All four of them stood before me, partially dressed, eyeing me up.

After Bastian moved behind me, Damian caged me against Bastian’s muscular chest. For a split second, I thought he would kiss me. Instead, he surprised me by dropping to his knees as Bastian wove his fingers through my hair. His teeth grazed my neck the moment his brother clutched my thighs, burying his head between them.

I moaned when his lips brushed my sensitive flesh. Luca and Marcello watched Damian’s tongue slide between my slick folds. They studied every flick of his tongue, each scream he ripped from my throat. Then they slowly stripped off their suits. But they were so meticulous they couldn’t just throw their clothes on the floor.

Taking their sweet ass time, they hung their jackets on the hook behind the door. Slowly unbuttoned their white oxfords. It was killing me not to see them naked. Not to see them on their knees in front of me beside Damian.

Bastian bent down to suck on my nipple, taking it between his teeth. “Are you going to come for us?”

“Yes,” I whispered.

“Good girl.”

Intense waves of pleasure rolled off my skin like flames. While Damian worked his magic on my clit, sucking so hard my legs trembled, I tugged on the ends of his hair. The harder I pulled, the more this seemed to encourage him, and he devoured me, like he was desperate for a taste.

They took turns kissing me in every place imaginable. Between the two of them, I felt like I was about to explode. I fisted Damian’s hair as I moaned into his brother’s mouth. The thought of fucking two hot men at the same time did sinful things to my body. It was wrong to want both of them, dangerous to crave them this much.

Could I handle both of them?

Damian made me come twice before he sat back and looked up at me, his lips glistening with my cum. Then he stood to his full height, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He stripped off his tie and hooked it around my neck. Another creepy ass grin stretched the corners of his mouth. He really was the devil. Or at the very least Dexter’s hotter and more vicious twin.

“Damian,” I warned.

Tags: Jillian Frost Princes of Devil's Creek Erotic