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After I came on their fingers, the one licking my pussy moved out of the way. A hand clamped down on my shoulder, pushing my back to the mattress. One of them climbed on top of me, and nerves coursed through my body. This was the moment I’d both feared and dreamed about.

None of them were ever sweet with me. And from what I’d heard from other girls, the first time always hurt. So I expected the sharp pinch as his cock breached my folds. Holding my breath, I waited for him to keep moving. He was so big, stretching me out, rocking his hips in a slow motion that surprised me.

He inched into me slowly, making room for himself with each thrust. Even with him being gentle, it still fucking hurt like hell. I ignored the pain until his movements turned to pure pleasure, and my body adapted to his size.

“I’m okay,” I whispered. “Don’t stop.”

No answer.

Of course, they wanted me to guess which one of them fucked me. Maybe it was better this way. If I didn’t know, then I couldn’t form a special attachment to one over the other. It was as if I lost my virginity to all of them.

He must have felt my body relax because he picked up his pace. With his palms on the mattress beside my head, he groaned in my ear, then stuck out his tongue to suck on my earlobe. And then without warning, he pulled out of me.

I wasn’t very experienced, but I knew he hadn’t come yet. He slid off me, then hands pried open my thighs. A warm tongue licked my pussy. Another tongue rolled over my nipple. Then a different tongue on the other. I fisted his hair in my hand, encouraging him to drive his tongue deeper and deeper inside me.

“Remember what I told you about Damian?” Bastian whispered the words against the shell of my ear.

I attempted to recall one of the many horrible things he’d told me about his brother. At the moment, I didn’t care.

“He likes blood,” Bastian said with a cruel smile I felt on my cheek. “We all wanted different things from you, Cherry.”

I didn’t know who took my virginity. Not a single clue who was where on the bed, apart from Bastian, who was on my right.

“He’s been dying to taste you, Cherry.” He kissed my lips, and I melted into him for a second. “Me? I want to fuck every bit of innocence from your beautiful body.”

“Fuck me,” I whispered, arching my hips to get more of Damian’s tongue. “Please. I want more.”

Bastian tapped his brother on the shoulder. “That’s enough, D.”

Damian sat back with a groan, and I instantly missed the loss of his mouth on my sensitive skin. Bastian gripped my hips and flipped onto his back, moving me on top of him. He reached between us, fisting his cock, teasing my wetness with the tip. And then he pumped into me, fucking me without mercy.

“I think you’re broken in now.” He groaned. “But fuck, baby. You’re so tight.”

Even with me on top, Bastian was completely in control. My pussy ached from all the pounding he did between my thighs. And by the time he lifted me off him, turning me around with help from his brothers, I squeezed his thighs between mine and rode him into the mattress.

Now facing another Salvatore, this one yanked my hair, pulling me forward. Bastian gripped my hips from behind, satisfying the ache in my core. In this position, it was easy for me to lean forward and suck one of their cocks into my mouth.

My sense of smell was so off I couldn’t trust it. I’d sworn Bastian was the one who popped my cherry, but now I wasn’t so sure. I should have touched the scar over his heart. But it felt so good I got lost in the moment, forgetting about the minor details.

One of them grunted as I swirled my tongue around the tip. Impatient and greedy for more, he placed his hand on the back of my head and fucked my mouth while Bastian fucked me hard, gripping my hips as I rode him in reverse cowgirl.

A hand came down hard on my ass. I squealed with a mixture of pain and delight. Bastian didn’t give his brother a chance to come in my mouth before he rolled me onto my back without breaking stride. He threw my legs over his shoulders, possessed with his need to make me come as many times as possible.

Overwhelmed by a mixture of pain and pleasure, I lost myself to the next orgasm that swept over me like a hurricane. One of my guys kneeled on the bed with his legs on each side of my head. He stroked his cock, brushing the tip across my lips.

Bastian’s legs trembled, and his entire body shook as he came inside me. Then his brother was right behind him, coating my tongue with his warmth.

After all of us came, Bastian pulled me onto the mattress beside him. He curled me into his sweaty body and laid my head on his chest, so he could kiss my forehead. “You were worth the wait, Cherry.”

My eyes fluttered from the exhaustion commanding control of me. Every inch of my body hummed as if it had its own pulse. I would need to sleep off this night for days. There wasn’t a single muscle or bone that didn’t hurt, but I was okay with that. One night with them was worth it.

“Can you handle more, Cherry?” Bastian licked my earlobe, and even with his delicate touch, I could hardly keep my eyes open.

“Uh-huh,” I muttered.

My words said one thing, while my body said another. Seconds after my head hit Bastian’s chest, my eyelids fluttered.

“Bash,” I whispered, drunk with pleasure. “I hope it was you… because I think I love you.”

Tags: Jillian Frost Princes of Devil's Creek Erotic