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He twisted my nipple over the fabric of my silky dress. Damian grabbed my ass from behind.

Luca nudged both of them with his elbows, asserting his dominance. “There’s one more rule, baby girl.” He slid the thin straps down my shoulders. “You need to ditch the dress.”

We watched an orgy. A real-life fucking orgy with at least a dozen people. I went from zero to sixty in one night.

There were so many people on the stage, naked and moaning, that I couldn’t keep track. I sat in the front row on Luca’s lap, my pussy so wet I soaked his pants. If he noticed, he didn’t seem to care. Luca held me tight, his fingers digging into my hip, his other hand massaging my breast.

After staring at so many naked people, I couldn’t stand to watch them get off when I wanted my men to fuck me. I’d waited years to lose my virginity. All because my gorgeous princes never let people get too close to me.

People avoided me in high school. Some boys looked but never spoke to me. College was my fresh start, four years of freedom from these psychos. Guys would ask me out. But they would always disappear afterward or make excuses. After the tenth time, I knew it was because of the Salvatores. Somehow, they had gotten to them.

Tonight, I was losing my fucking virginity. So I grabbed Luca’s hand and shoved it between my thighs, forcing his fingers inside me.

He pumped his fingers into me, breathing hard against my cheek. “Are you ready for my cock, baby girl?”

“Yes,” I moaned, riding his hand as I watched the people fucking in front of me.

With the mask obscuring my face, I didn’t feel self-conscious. No one knew me here. No one gave a damn about my nakedness. Just being with my men, knowing they would take care of me, helped me lower my guard. The walls I’d constructed to keep them out had come crashing down over the last few weeks.

Bastian rolled his thumb over my clit in slow circular motions. Then his lips descended upon mine with his usual rough possession. “Come for us, Cherry,” he growled against my lips before tugging on my bottom lip with his teeth.

Marcello leaned over Luca’s left leg and took turns with Bastian, rubbing my clit until my entire body trembled. Damian moved to the row behind us and grabbed my breast, pinching my nipple between his fingers. He pulled harder, and I moaned, careful not to say their names.

“It’s time.” Luca knocked his brother’s hands away and got up from the chair, taking me with him. “Let’s go.”

I’d barely come down from my high before he led me out of the crowded theater with his brothers in tow. Like a man on a mission, Luca didn’t speak a word, his sole focus on navigating the dark hallways. We’d gone right from the entrance to the sex theater, so I hadn’t gotten to see much of the house.

The place was massive, even larger than the Salvatore Estate. Men and women fucked against walls. Women went down on each other while men watched. In a private room at the back of the house, several men dominated the same woman.

We climbed the back stairwell to the third floor, dodging people running down the stairs. Loud music blared through a set of speakers on the wall, a sexy beat that didn’t have words. I moved to the rhythm of the song, and Bastian slapped my ass.

“Stop teasing me, Cherry.”

On the top floor, we stopped at a set of double doors. This was it. I was finally going to lose my virginity to one of these heartless monsters.

Luca turned a key in the lock and pushed open the door. He extended his hand for me to step inside. I inched my way into the suite the size of a penthouse apartment. It was more than twice the size of the one I rented with Aiden in Brooklyn.

The interior slightly varied from the rest of the house. It had white walls, expensive paintings, leather furniture, and glass tables. This room felt more like their home than a private room in a sex club.

My heels clicked on the white marble floor. I stripped off my mask and set it on the table in the living room, staring at the space. We had a full size kitchen with a marble island and ceiling height cabinets. Half a dozen windows covered with black drapes spanned the exterior wall. A leather sectional couch sat at the center of the room with plush decorative pillows.

Bastian moved behind me and gathered my hair in his hands. The anticipation of what would come next was killing me. He dipped his head down to pepper kisses along my neck. Damian moved in front of us, watching as he shrugged his suit jacket over his broad shoulders.

He loosened his tie, and then his long fingers trailed down my hot skin, his touch leaving fire in his wake. I recalled Bash’s words, a promise that Damian would be on his best behavior. So I let him touch me, lowered my walls and enjoyed myself. My skin pebbled with tiny bumps from his slow exploration of my body. His big hands moved up to my breasts, and I moaned when his thumbs rolled over my nipples.

I leaned back against Bastian’s chest and closed my eyes, consumed by the pleasure of his lips on my neck and Damian’s hands on my body. He clutched my chin and tilted my head until our eyes met. When Bash looked at me, every nerve ending in my body ignited. We had a powerful connection, one I could not shake.

No matter how much I told myself that he was a monster, an asshole who only wanted to use and abuse me, I still searched for him. My heart beat faster whenever he walked into a room. His smell, his touch, everything about him set my soul on fire.

Damian’s eyes raked over every inch of my naked body. I whimpered in Bastian’s mouth, desperate for more of them.

As Damian pinched and flicked my nipples, Bastian slid his hand between my thighs. Rolling his thumb over my clit, he kissed my neck. A flush of heat rushed through my body, my eyes slamming shut with each moan he stole from my lips.

Luca stood beside me and fisted my curls in his hand, tilting my head to the side. He cradled the back of my head, his eyes flickering with heat, wild and intense. He licked his lips, knowing full well what I wanted from him.

A second of hesitation ensued before he moved Damian out of the way. Luca yanked on my hair, parting my lips with his tongue. His tongue swept into my mouth with fury, his pain clear in each kiss. I never understood why he hated intimacy so much. Why he hated kissing me.

The kiss didn’t last long.

Tags: Jillian Frost Princes of Devil's Creek Erotic