Page 20 of Grump Daddy

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I don’t know how I’m going to get through this vacation now. I really do feel like I’m in trouble. And not because of the creepy guy hanging around outside the hotel for me. Hank or whatever his name was, but because of the man who saved me.

How the hell am I going to face him and Olivia now?



Waking up alone isn’t exactly what I had planned last night, but I’m glad things didn’t work out with Lola. I would only feel empty if she were here now, rather than…

Well, rather than my head filled with Isabella and all the naughty things I know I shouldn’t want to do to her…but that I do just the same. I don’t know how I ended up keeping my hands off her last night.


And how do I prevent this for happening again?

I’ll just have to make sure we aren’t in that same situation again because that is way too dangerous.

Once I’m dressed, I call Olivia determinedly. Iknowshe isn’t here for me, she has made that very clear, but that doesn’t change the fact that we have a lot to discuss. I’m not going to let her slip through my fingers again. The sooner we spend some time together and I get the time to talk, the quicker we can start actually building a bond. And the sooner I can focus on what is actually important, forgetting about all the mistakes I made last night.

One good thing is that I know Isabella won’t want to tell Olivia what happened either, because she has already been through too much. Neither of us wants to make it worse, so we can just forget all about it. Even if right now that feels utterly impossible.

“Hello?” She’s groggy. Maybe I’ve called her too early…

“Er, Olivia, good. Glad I can talk to you.” I sound all weird and formal. Not a great start. “I am booking lunch for you and I today, because we need to talk.”

“I don’t think so. I have plans with Isabella.”

I stifle a huff of irritation.

“Olivia, I know you don’t want to do this, but I don’t think one lunch is too much to ask for. I would just like the chance to talk to you, that’s all.”

“I thought you brought me here so I could get over my heartache,” she says flatly. It’s the monotone which really crushes me. it’s like she doesn’t give a shit at all.

“I didn’t realize this was going to become some daddy daughter vacation.”

I grit my teeth together, choosing my words carefully. I know I would hate me too if I were in her shoes, but I’m only asking for a chance. Just one, that’s it. If she still doesn’t want to know me once I’ve talked to her then so be it, I will have to just accept that, won’t I?

“Please, Olivia. I really will not be asking for much of your time. It’s just lunch. After that, you’re free to carry on doing whatever you want. Idowant the island to make you feel better. Idowant you to have a good time, I just think if we don’t do this, we might regret it.”

Please let that have gotten through to her because I don’t know what else I can say.

“Fine,” she mumbles after a beat of agonizing silence. “One lunch, but after that I really do have plans with Is so I can’t hang around.”

Relief floods through me, it’s hard not to let that show.

“Of course, totally understand. I will book us in somewhere and send you all the details when I have them. This will be great...”

I don’t think she agrees because she cuts me off sharply, but I’m feeling confident. This is going to be the first step to us repairing the decades of damage done. I’m not naïve enough to believe it’ll really be one lunch, but knowing that we’re starting and heading in the right direction helps. Positivity surges through me, all the shit clinging to me from last night is gone…

* * *

At first, I thought I was the one making Olivia sulky. She’s not been bright at all, ever since she sat down to lunch with me. But now I’m starting to think that a hangover might be the real culprit. She definitely had way too much fun last night.

But I can’t let that stop me. I know what I want to say and I have to plough on.

“I don’t know how much you know about me and June, but we met when we were very young. Just out of high school actually.”

She shrugs. “I figured as much. Considering my age, and Mom’s age.”

Tags: Lisa Ryan Billionaire Romance