Page 19 of Grump Daddy

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“I was for a while, but it wasn’t my scene. I would much rather be here.”

Shit, that might have been a bit bold. I’m definitely pushing boundaries here, but I can’t seem to stop myself. I just want to know how far he’s willing to go with me.

I really am bad, I know I am.

So why can’t I stop?

I don’t even think about Olivia as I arch my back and flick my hair over my shoulders, drawing his eye line down my body once more. Does he know how much I ache for him between my thighs? How soaking wet my bikini bottoms are, should he care to explore them?

“You know what? I’m glad to have you here too.”

With those delicious words spilling out of his mouth, he tucks a stray strand of hair that I must have missed behind my ear. Again I shiver violently because the mere sensation of him touching me almost makes me explode.

I really am a mess.

As my eyes meet his and our gazes lock in on one another, the hooded dark desire bouncing in his look coils within me, twisting me up even more.

I should think about this some more, I know I should, but I don’t. I lean upwards just enough to lightly touch his lips with my own. As suspected, the electricity is lightning. It bolts so violently through me that I can’t stop a moan of passion from inadvertently falling past my lips.

This must ignite something in him, because he grabs me fiercely and yanks me to him, deepening the kiss until we’re frantically gripping on to one another, making out like love starved teenagers, unable to get enough of one another.

Immediately I’m struck by how connected I feel to him, how this somehow feels both wrong and right at the same time. How I never want him to let me go. Even more so as one hand knots up in my hair and the other slowly trickles down my body to where I’m absolutely aching for him.

This is the last way I thought tonight was going to end, but fucking hell I wouldn’t change it for the world. Every fiber of my being is screaming out for him, needing him, all of him…


All of a sudden, a new light streams through the room. One I have half been waiting for ever since I set foot in this cabin, altering me to the return of Olivia. Shit, the fact that she’s back, snaps at us both and we bolt apart as if we’ve been electrocuted. Which I suppose in a way we have.

The heat that burns in my cheeks shines on his as well. All the intense lust that was swimming around us only moments before is long gone.

“I should erm…” I jump up from the couch, now feeling way too naked, but not in a good way. “I should get back. Olivia will be worried about me.”

I swallow hard, trying to shut down all the strange and complicated sensations now flowing through my ice-cold veins. I back away, trying to show Elijah that I really mean it.

“Yeah, right… that’s probably for the best, because…”

He trails off, because what else can he say. I don’t want to go, there’s a part of me that wants to jump right back into his arms so I can have him hold me for the whole night. But I have to ignore that because we have already made things complicated enough.

It’s time to stop.

This isn’t just an island where anything can happen. Not when my best friend’s feelings are at stake.

Oh God, this is bad, really bad. I head for the door in a hurry, not planning to turn around to look at him again because I don’t think I can’t stand it.

Unfortunately, I’m powerless to resist. I spin at the worst possible moment to catch a glimpse of deep desire in his eyes. Shit, he wants me too. We both know this is bad, but he wants it as well. It’s an actual wrench to yank myself away from him but I somehow manage to do it. I plunge myself into the cool night air and run to mine and Olivia’s cabin, where I should have been all alone.

“Sorry, I was just…” My excuse falls apart on my lips as I stumble inside to find myself very much alone. I can hear Olivia but can’t see her. She’s in her room with Benji.

Laughing and joking, not worrying about where I am at all.

I don’t know why my heart sinks. This is a good thing. It means I don’t need to explain myself. But for some reason I feel weird… maybe because I didn’t need to leave Elijah after all. Even though I’m a little tempted to go back there, I know I won’t. I can’t, the moment has passed now.

It’s already gotten awkward and kinda weird. I’m going to have to head to bed all by myself…At least I can dream about Elijah though, and imagine what would have happened if we were given half the chance. I can imagine his fingers edging down my body until they find my sweet spot, of him being unable to control himself as he tosses me over his shoulder to take me back to his cabin where he will ravish me, to have his lips on mine all over again.

Oh God, it felt so good to have him feeling me and seeing me like that. I wish I’d stayed for longer. We’ve already crossed the line, I kinda want to know what it feels like to shatter the boundaries with him.

I groan as I finally get into my bedroom and collapse on my bed. God, the fact that it shouldn’t have happened is stoking the fire within me. I have never been attracted to someone that I couldn’t have before. Someone I hadn’t even liked on first sight!, And for loyalty purposes I probably still shouldn’t like!

Tags: Lisa Ryan Billionaire Romance