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As Cam rounded the eastern corner of the youth center, his heart tightened in anticipation of seeing Emilia. It had been an impossibly long week. The daily phone calls with her hadn’t been nearly enough for him. When he caught sight of her, his breath caught. Emilia, dressed in denim overalls and a bandana covering her beautiful blonde hair, squealing and laughing with complete abandonment as she had a paint fight with at least fifteen children.

He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was absolutely captivating. At that moment, she turned around and her eyes locked on his. Her gaze hit him right in the gut, almost like being sucker punched, and the grin that was spread across her face was like nothing he’d ever seen before. She was completely lit up. Cam felt everything shift inside him, because he knew, beyond all doubt or fear, what it was to be in love with Emilia Emerson. He’d move mountains for her. It was as simple as that. Pulling himself together, he forced himself to step forward. “Hi,” he said, matching her grin.

“Hi Cam!” She answered, and at least five of the children mimicked her and made kissy noises. “I’m sorry, I completely lost track of time. Look at this!” Grabbing him by the hand, she pulled him away from the center and into the garden, turning to get a good look at the finished masterpiece. The entire bottom half of the wall had been covered. To the left, was the face of a beautiful woman, staring out towards the world with strength and wisdom clearly showing on her face. Her hair flowed out behind her and was the backdrop for the forest and ocean aspects of the mural. It was hard to put into words, the way all the elements joined up, the vibrancy of the colors he knew she’d chosen with great care.

It was, in a word, stunning. It was eye-catching, which was what the center wanted, and it wasn’t until Cam looked really closely that he saw the children either swimming in the ocean or exploring in the forest. It was so obviously Emilia’s work—her heart and soul were stamped all over it—that a lump formed in his throat.

How could she produce this work and still doubt her abilities?

“Well? What do you think?”

“I think it’s amazing. It’s just gorgeous, I don’t know what else to say, to be honest. Like, I’m genuinely speechless.”

“That’s the best compliment! It’s so good to see you. I’d kiss you hello, but I’m full of paint and the kids won’t let me live it down. Do you want to go to Alfredo’s, and I’ll clean all this up and meet you there?”

“Actually, there’s something I want to—”

“Emilia!” One of the children called. “We can’t wash the brushes till you open the door.”

“Oh, right! Coming!” She turned to him again. The gold flecks spattered throughout her brown eyes were so bright now they were almost blinding. “Hold that thought, give me about half an hour and I’ll see you in a bit, okay?”


He watched her leave. It wasn’t the reunion he’d been planning, but he wouldn’t have missed her looking like that for the world.

Cam stood and waited at the mural, studying it and finding more and more little details. Looking at it, several things shifted into place in his plan for the future of his charity.

He was still staring at it when Emilia came out of the youth center, locking the side entrance door behind her. She’d changed her clothes, and washed her face, though he could still see a fleck of neon blue behind her ear. His heart swelled.

“You’re still here.” Approaching him, she wrapped her arms around his neck, lifting her lips to his in a long, lingering kiss. “Hello,” she said as she pulled away.

“Hi yourself.” Cam couldn’t help but press a kiss to her forehead. “I’ve been studying your work, it’s truly extraordinary. And I’ve made a decision.”

“You’ve… made a decision?”

“Yes. I want you to come and work for me.”

“You… what?”

Cam was lost in the moment, excited about the opportunities that suddenly laid out before him. He didn’t notice the stiffness in Emilia’s body, or the fact that her eyes had grown a little darker.

“I haven’t told you this yet, because it wasn’t ready, but I’m starting up a homeless charity. This is the kind of art I want on all our shelters. It’s evocative and soothing and I’m not ashamed to say that it’s attention-grabbing, which will do us the world of good, long-term. So, I want you to come and work for me. As my new art director.”

“I’m sure you think you’re doing a very noble thing right now, but it’s so fucking insulting.”

Cam’s heart dropped into his stomach. He had still been studying the mural and hadn’t at all been paying attention to what he was saying or how it was being received. Looking at Emilia now, he saw hurt and anger in her eyes.

“Emilia, I just think—”

“You think you have to take pity on me. I opened myself up to you, Itoldyou what being an artist means to me, what the art school rejection meant to me. How not being taken seriously has had a serious affect on my life and the opportunities that haven’t opened up to me. And now you’re offering me… what? A sympathy position in your company because you think I won’t make it on my own? Or worse, you want some arm candy? This is the little lady I’m sleeping with, by the way. Absolutely no one is going to think I got that job on merit. And neither do I.”

“What? No! That’s—”

“You know what,” her eyes were fire now. “Just forget it. Forget all of it. I don’t need hand outs and I have a perfectly good job, thank you very much.”

“You can’t be Mia’s assistant for the rest of your life.” He wanted to bite his tongue as soon as the words were out. He’d meant she couldn’t ignore her talent, which kept drawing his eye, even while they were talking.

Tags: Mary Waterford Romance