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Waking up the next morning, Emilia heard the shower running and smiled to herself. Why wasn’t she exhausted? They’d hardly slept. Instead, she felt rejuvenated getting up, putting on one of Cam’s shirts and going into the kitchen. She was starving.

Of course,she thought looking into an almost empty fridge.Stereotypical bachelor.But he did have eggs, and some bacon strips. So there was hope for breakfast yet. She was almost done cooking when he came into the kitchen, smelling like his shower and looking incredibly hot, his wet hair glistening in the sun streaming through the window.

“Good morning! Hungry?” She smiled at him as he walked towards her, pulling her in and moving her hair to the side so he could nuzzle her neck.

“Mmmm, I am, but I’m not sure it’s food I want.”

“I hate to disappoint you, really,” she’d tilted her head to give him better access, proving her point. “But if I don’t eat soon, I’m not going to have the energy to let you have your way with me. Also, shower. Food and shower and then we can see where the day takes us okay?”

“Okay, deal.” He moved away from her to make them some coffee and when everything was done, Emilia thought it was strange how comfortable she felt in his house, eating his food, sitting across from him at his table.

If she wasn’t careful, she was going to get used to this feeling quickly. She watched his animated face while he was telling a story from his childhood about playing a prank on his brother.Maybe, getting used to this wasn’t too bad.

They spent the afternoon in bed, enjoying each other. She’d forgotten that Cam was going away for business and wouldn’t be back in Esperance until next Saturday morning.

“But we’re going out Saturday night, yes?” He asked, pulling up into her driveway later that evening.

“Yeah, definitely.” She leaned over and gave him a sweet, lingering kiss. “You can pick me up at seven. We’re moving ahead with the mural on Saturday, so I’ll be home a little later probably.”

“Okay,” he said, getting out of the truck and moving around to help her out. He lifted her by the hips, letting her slide down his body until her feet hit the ground.

“I’ll miss you,” she lifted her face for a kiss. “Call me, okay?”

“Every day,” he promised.

It was hard for her to turn back towards the house. It was even harder for her to turn at the door and wave cheerily as he pulled out onto her street and disappeared around the corner.

Tags: Mary Waterford Romance