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“Oh, can’t I? You know what I can’t do, Cameron?” Cam flinched as she spat out his name. “I can’t accept a job offer from the guy I’m fucking after he basically tells me he’s decided I’m gonna work for him. That’s what I can’t do. And since you obviously don’t think I’ll be making a living from my art any other way, I’m perfectly happy to keep the steady job I have with a woman I’ve never had to prove myself to, thank you very much. Thanks, but no thanks.”

“I never said… Emilia—” She’d started to walk away from him and, grabbing her elbow, he swung her toward him. Her eyes were blazing now, but what gutted him the most were the tears that were already welling in her eyes.

“Just…Just let me go, Cam. We’re done.”

“Can’t we go to Alfredo’s and talk about this.”

“No. You’ve said all you need to say. Go to Alfredo’s by yourself. I’m going home. We’re done. You just crossed the one line I never thought you would. Goodbye, Cameron.”

Helpless, Cam watched as she walked away from him. Stormed off, really, and he ran a hand through his hair.

“Fuck. FUCK!” Breathing heavily, Cam stood at the youth center, staring at the mural until the sun went down. His heart was heavy in his chest as he went over and over their conversation in his head. He’d been a clumsy ass, pure and simple. He’d been distracted, true, but he should have been more careful.

How could he have fucked that up so badly? And more importantly, how was he going to fix it?

Tags: Mary Waterford Romance