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“Is she here?” Silas walked in, his left eye a grotesque bruise of blue and yellow

“Jesus. What happened to you?” I gawked at the bruise.

“Let’s just say my little sister’s ex pissed me off.”


“Yup. Piece of shit.”

“What did he do?”

Spencer rubbed his chin with his fingers. “She didn’t tell you?”

“Tell me what?”

Spencer looked at Silas, and something silent passed between them.

“What is going on?” My instincts flashed with red alert, that old sinking feeling in my gut returning with a vengeance. “Where is Sienna?”

Spencer rubbed his neck. “We don’t know. All we know is she was supposed to pick up Cleo at the park not far from her house hours ago, but she never showed.”

“And no one’s seen or heard from her?”

Spencer shook his head. “We were hoping you might have heard something.”

“Fuck this,” Silas said, rushing out the door. “I’m going to look for her.”

“Where exactly?” Spencer called after him.

“I don’t fucking know. But I can’t sit around here guessing.”

Spencer was about to walk out the door when I grabbed his elbow. “You’re not going anywhere until you tell me what the fuck is going on.”

“I don’t know, man. We can’t find her. We’ve searched every inch of the house. Security has already swept through the entire estate. And the security video footage shows her driving out the gate hours ago, but she hasn’t come back.”

“What time?”

“Around eleven this morning.”

I looked at my wristwatch. It’s been six hours since she left, and no one has heard from her since. “Cleo is certain Sienna was never there?”

“Yeah, man. She hasn’t seen Sienna at all.”

“Fuck.” I paced in the other direction, dragging my fingers through my hair, pulling at the ends as frustration and worry trickled through my veins. “Her phone is off, so we can’t track it.”

Spencer sat down on a sealed bucket of paint, placing his elbows on his knees before resting his chin on his hands. “I know it’s been like less than a day, but this is totally unlike her. Sienna’s phone is never off. And my sister might be a bitch sometimes, but she would never leave Cleo waiting for her.” Spencer shook his head. “Something is wrong. I can feel it.”

The sinking feeling in my gut had me clenching my fists and chewing on my lip, my mind trying to think of every possible scenario.

Sienna was gone. She left to get Cleo but never pitched up. “Did you have her car tracked?”

“Jesus,” Spencer cursed. “I never thought of that. Let me get security on it.” He walked out of the cottage and onto the patio. While he was instructing security to locate Sienna’s car, I was standing on the newly laid wooden floor, hoping like fuck this was not my worst goddamn nightmare that caught up with me.

My heart hammered against my ribs, my pulse flying through the fucking roof. I had been so careful. So. Fucking. Careful. What if my past finally caught up with me, and Sienna was now trapped in the middle of it all? Jesus, this couldn’t be happening.

I paced, my thoughts racing in every goddamn direction. But my emotions smothered my focus, my feelings for Sienna making it impossible to think straight.

“Okay,” Spencer said as he came back in. “They are going to track her car now and text me the location.”

Tags: Bella J. Romance