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“Are you sure she’s not in the house? That’s a huge motherfucking house. Maybe she’s just—” I stilled. “Maybe she’s in the cellar.”

“Dude, she’s not here. Silas and I looked everywhere.”

“Jesus fucking Christ.” I pulled both my palms down my face. “This is all my fault.”

“What? What do you mean?”

“I should have stayed the fuck away from her.”

“Noah. Man. What the fuck is going on?”

I craned my neck back, closing my eyes, trying to focus on my breathing.

Control your emotions. Control your actions. Control your mind.

I tried to repeat the fucking mantra, envision a goddamn rectangle to control my breathing with, but it was no use. This was Sienna, and the thought of her getting hurt was like a knife to the gut.

I rushed down the hall to the bedroom, adrenaline drowning the oxygen in my blood as I yanked the floor panels open, pulling out the weapons I had stashed there.

“Jesus Christ, Noah.” Spencer stood to the side, eyes wide and cheeks pale. “What the hell is that?”

I loaded the Glock 26 and tucked it behind my back. “What the fuck does it look like?”

“Guns. A lot of fucking guns.”

“Then don’t ask dumb fucking questions.” I grabbed the duffel bag and forced my way past Spencer, stomping down the hall. “Do we know the location of her car yet?”

“No. But can we take a fucking moment to discuss the fact that you have an underground armory in here?”

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned abruptly, Spencer almost knocking right into me. “Your sister is missing. Let’s prioritize, shall we?”

His eyes widened. “I feel slightly threatened right now.”

“Grow a pair.” My nostrils flared, and fists clenched. “Do we have a locked location on her car yet?”

Spencer swiped his finger across the screen of his phone. His eyes narrowed, a huge-ass frown forming grooves on his forehead.

“What?” I snapped. “Where is it?”

“The park.” He looked up at me. “According to her car tracker, she’s at the park where she was supposed to pick up Cleo.”

“If her car’s there, and she isn’t…then where the fuck is she?” This started to look more and more like my worst fucking nightmare.

“Should we call the police?”

I shook my head. “It hasn’t been twenty-four hours. They won’t do shit.” I grabbed the keys to my truck. “You’re driving with me. Call Silas and tell him to meet us there.”

Both of us rushed toward my truck, my heart beating like a fucking grenade, about to explode and shatter my ribs.

This was exactly what I tried to avoid. I let my guard down, became complacent. I fucked up, and now Sienna’s life was in danger. If anything had to happen to her…Fuck, I couldn’t even think about it without wanting to claw my own heart out.

I revved the engine, and Spencer had barely closed his door when I pulled away with screeching tires.

“Listen man, what the fuck is happening, right now?” Spencer reached out and placed a palm against the dash. “Why do I get the feeling there’s more going on here?”

“I can’t be sure.” I was still trying to hold on to that last thread of hope that this wasn’t what I feared. But I’d be stupid if I didn’t consider the possibility that Sienna could get hurt because of me. God, I was such a fool to think I could care about someone again. To think that having Sienna wouldn’t carry any risk…for her.

“Take a left here,” Spencer indicated. “The park is two blocks from here.”

Tags: Bella J. Romance