Page 31 of Broken Monster

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Frantic hands jerked the hair tie from his hair just as I wanted to. My fingers latched onto the strands as I angled him to receive another kiss. We ate at each other’s lips. It was a kiss of dominance. Teeth and tongue fighting one another.

Strong arms circled my body as I was flipped back down onto the bed. Lust filled eyes stared down at me for one breath and then another. I could see the hunger there as he looked at me. It was a hunger that matched my own.

One thick finger thrust into my wet hole, and I screamed out my pleasure. It had been a while since anyone had been where his finger now were, so it was a tight fight. I liked the feel of me stretching around him.

Three hard fast thrusts of that finger and another was entering me. He’d abandoned the thought of taking things slow and had joined me on the out-of-control desperation train. As his thumb found the sensitive bundle of nerves at the top of my slit, he curled his fingers inside of me finding that sweet spot that suddenly had me teetering on the edge of the abyss.

Even as I was lost in the onslaught of pleasure, I could hear the sound of his zipper going down. The slight jerk of his body as he pulled his jeans down passed the nice, rounded globes of his ass didn’t change the tempo of him finger fucking me to my first quick orgasm.

I couldn’t contain the deep long grunt of satisfaction as I started to clamp down on his fingers. A gush of cream left my pussy making the glide of his fingers that much easier. I pumped my hips as I rode out my orgasm.

Warm lips moved down my torso. I hadn’t even realized I’d closed my eyes until they were fluttering open to watch him move down my body. I could feel my body try to keep his finger embedded inside of me as he pulled them out and slipped the glistening digits between his lips. A deep groan left him as he sucked the taste of me off his fingers.

I don’t know why that was so fucking hot, but a fresh drop of cream left my pussy as I watched him.

He hooked my thighs over his shoulders and his mouth hoovered over my slit. I pulled my lower lip in between my teeth to keep myself from begging him to taste me. I wanted his mouth of me so fucking bad.

I could’ve thanked any God that was listening when he didn’t make me beg or wait for what I wanted.

One long lick of his tongue that started at my hole and ended at my clit was all it took to bring me right back to the place of desperation where I’d started.

“Oh, my fucking God, Cole. Please. Please give me more.” I quickly forgot about not wanting to beg him. If that would get me what I wanted, then I wasn’t going to be bashful. If asking for what I wanted got him to eat me like I was the last meal he’d ever have on this earth, then I was perfectly fine doing it.

His eyes cut up my body to lock onto mine. I could see his own need reflected to me.

“I plan on giving you everything I got. Now be a good girl and cum on my face. Don’t hold back those screams either. I want to hear how much you enjoy what I’m doing to you.” I could feel the sound of his voice vibrating against the sensitive skin of my cunt and it just added to what he was doing to me.

He latched onto my clit with a feral intensity that I loved. Damn the boy knew what he was doing down there. Immediately I was climbing that mountain towards release. The strong suction he had on me was pulling moan after moan out of me. My fingers dug into his scalp until I was pushing his face down into my pussy. His fingers found their way inside me again. He didn’t hold back in his thrusts as he finger fucked me while working my clit with his tongue and teeth.

My eyes closed again on their own. I couldn’t fight the sensations coursing through my body. My feet pushed into his back as I lifted my hips up off the mattress. I couldn’t get myself close enough to him.

When his teeth bit down on my clit giving me that dig of pain I wanted so badly, his fingers found my G-Spot and I was a goner. Once again, he had me riding the high of my release until I was screaming into the room.

He didn’t let me come down from my orgasm before he was moving up my body and slamming his thick cock deep into the pulsing heat of my pussy. My knees raised up and squeezed against his sides. My nails dug into the hard muscles of his chest as I held on for dear lift. I could feel my body being pushed up the bed, and I didn’t give a fuck.

The sounds of his own groans of pleasure mixed and mingled with mine driving my pleasure up that much higher.

“Fuck! Your pussy is so fucking wet and hot. Cum on my dick, little fighter. I want to feel you clamping down on me. Strangle my cock, baby.” Thrust after thrust he changed angles until he found that spot that had me seeing black spots and screaming out his name.

I could feel my orgasm coming, but I need just a little more friction. Just a little more to push me over and do as he said. I wanted to cum for him, and I moved my hand between our bodies until I could that slick little nub. Pinching it between my fingers, I rubbed it in circles to the rhythm he’d created.

“Cum for me and then I’ll fuck this sweet little ass. C’mon baby, cum for me,” he growled at me as he reached around our bodies and the tip of his index finger found my puckered hole and added just a little bit of pressure.

That was all I needed to go off. One long wail of his name and I was pulling him over the edge with me. I could feel as his dick pulsed inside of me sending jet after jet of cum into the condom. I kept rubbing my clit until every ounce of pleasure had been rung out of both of us. I kept clenching and squeezing him through his own orgasm. My ass fluttered against the tip of his finger that had found its way inside of me.

Fuck, it had been a long time since I’d cum so much or so hard. It had been a long time since I’d left an actual person who wasn’t myself give me that much pleasure.

My heart was still beating hard and heavy against my chest. Every breath I took was short and quick. I could feel my hair plastered against my skin that was coated in sweat. I had every hallmark of a damn good fuck.

I could feel the darkness of sleep trying to drag me down into its depths as he pulled away from me. My legs slowly slid down until they were a shaking mess laying against the damp sheets.

I knew I needed to tell him to leave. I didn’t cuddle, and I had no intention of spending time with him unless he was causing sensational havoc on my body. I just couldn’t keep my eyes open or make my mouth work.

The last thing I remembered before I lost my fight with the orgasm induced coma that had its claws in me was the feeling of a warm wet cloth passing over my pussy cleaning me up, and then a hot sweat slickened body curling around my body beneath the comforter that had been pulled over us.

This was bad.

So fucking bad, but I didn’t have the energy or desire to fix it.

Tags: Brittney Kol Romance