Page 30 of Broken Monster

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Ididn’t hold back or hesitate before kissing him back.

My lips parted for him. The taste of him filled my mouth, and I pushed harder against his mouth. I wanted to consume him. I wanted him to consume me. The hard length of him was rapidly growing behind the metal tines of his zipper, and I was throwing every profanity I knew at those damn jeans.

They were in the way of what I fucking wanted.

Large, calloused hands moved across the skin of my back. Fingers dug into my flesh as he touched me. Sucking his tongue into my mouth, I mimicked what I wanted to do with his cock. I was one of those girls that liked giving a good blow job. I liked the feeling of bringing a man to his knees. I would probably never admit it out loud, but I had a little bit of a praise kink that desperately wanted Cole to tell me what a good girl I was while I drank down his cum.

Quick steps brought us to the edge of the bed.

My lips were ripped away from his on a whine of protest, and my body bounced off the soft mattress as he threw me down. The strands of my blond hair fell in my face as I rose on my elbows to stare at him.

I was about to ask him what the fuck his problem was but slammed my lips shut when I realized he was getting undressed.

He gripped the back of his shirt and pulled it over his head, and my eyes instantly went to the defined muscles of his chest. That also led me to seeing the way the tattoos cascaded from his shoulders and arms onto his chest and down his stomach. I was going to have a field day with those tattoos once I got him underneath me.

“Take the bra and panties off. Spread your legs wide. I want to see every fucking inch of you.” His fingers went to the button of his jeans, but he didn’t take them off.

I released the catch of my bar, and my breasts bounced free. Lifting my hips up off the bed, I quickly drug my thong down my legs and threw them off the side of the bed. I didn’t hide my body from him. I wanted his eyes on me.

Fuck I wanted more than his eyes on me. His tongue, teeth, mouth, hands. I wanted it all, and I wanted it now.

“Are you coming down here with me, or am I taking care of myself?” My hand snaked down the exposed skin between my breasts and over my stomach as my fingertips reached for the pulsing nub of my clit. If he didn’t get into gear, I wasn’t ashamed of getting myself off in front of him. I was used to finding pleasure on my own, so I knew exactly what I needed to get off. If he stood there in front of me just as he was it would push me higher faster.

His hand snapped out and long fingers wrapped around my wrist stopping the trajectory of my hand.

“While I’m here there’s no reason you should be touching your pussy unless I tell you to.” One knee hit the mattress as he climbed up to join me. Excitement began to fill me. I knew this was a bad idea. Really fucking bad idea, but I couldn’t help wanting it. Wanting him.

Now that I was laying naked in front of him, I wasn’t going to deny myself anymore.

I wanted to pull out the hair tie holding his long blond hair up into the bun on top of his head. I wanted to tunnel my fingers through the long soft strands and fist my hands in it while I thrust my pussy up to meet his mouth.

He pulled my nipple into the warm cavern of his mouth, and I felt the pull of his lips in the pit of my stomach. One hand moved to encase my other breast in his large palm. Fingers and lips pulled and tugged on my nipples in tandem until they were overly sensitive. My hips rolled and bucked in time with this mouth and fingers. I felt empty and needed him to fill me. The brush of his jean clad thigh against my body made my desperation that much stronger.

My legs moved further apart as I made room for him where I wanted him. My hands moved up the arms caging me into the bed. Arching my back, I pushed myself tighter against him. Teeth bit down on my nipple, and I groaned at the snap of pain that radiated from my breast all the way down to my weeping cunt.

Panting breaths left my lips as I tried to find friction for my needy pussy. I could feel myself clenching on empty air. I needed to be filled. Hard, deep, and fast. That’s what I wanted.

With a foot planted on the mattress, I used my strength to push him over until I was straddling his hips. Moving my hips, I worked the wetness leaking out of my slit until the fabric of his jeans.

I wanted him to feel what he was doing to me. I wasn’t kidding about taking care of myself. I was past the point of wanting a slow build up. There was no need for foreplay and sweet kisses right now.

He needed to fuck me, and he needed to do it now.

“I don’t plan on leaving this room until I’ve felt you cum on my dick, my fingers, and my mouth. I think I should let you know I plan on this happening again and again.”

“I’m alright with all of that. You should probably be aware I have every intention of that same thing happening with all your friends. If you’re really good, I might let you join in a time or two.” I feel it’s important to be honest with him and myself. If I was going to let this happen right now, I should admit to both of us that I planned on it happening with Enzo, Dante, and Nico as well.

“I’m glad we both understand that. We’re good at sharing our toys.” A cocky smirk pulled at his full lips as if I’d already done half his work for him by agreeing to fuck all four of them without him even having to ask.

I was a girl who knew what she wanted. I might fight myself about it sometimes, but eventually I let myself have what I wanted.

My lips found the column of his throat. Sinking my teeth into the flesh there, I bit down, marking him. I don’t know why I was doing it. I’d never had the urge to mark anyone else I’d ever been with. Yet, the thought of him walking the halls of CPEHS with my teeth marks in his neck made something unfurled inside of me.

The coppery taste of his blood inside my mouth wasn’t the only indication that I’d broken the skin and made him bleed. The grip he had on my hips tightened and his hips jerked up to press harder against my heat.

He’d liked the pain just as much as I did. That was good to know.

Tags: Brittney Kol Romance