Page 32 of Broken Monster

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Icould feel Cole with every step I took. It had been forever since my body hurt like that after sex. To be honest, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been fucked in the way I wanted without having to give thrust by thrust direction.

It was as if he knew my body better than I did.

I also couldn’t stop wondering when I would be able to get him back between my legs again. There were far too many things I should be thinking about that were more important than the multiple orgasms he’d given me the night before, but I couldn’t stop my mind from wandering to images of him moving against me.

He’d been gone when I woke up that morning. I refused to acknowledge the fact that I’d felt a bit of disappointment when I realized the bed was cold where he’d been laying. He’d been gone a while, and I hadn’t even noticed that he’d left.

I shouldn’t feel anything about it, but I did. Looking at that emotion for too long was going to make my head hurt, so I pushed it to the dark recess of my mind.

People moved out of my way as I moved through the hallway. I woke up late and didn’t have time to make my usual cup of coffee. A phenomenal bought of sex would cause anyone to sleep in, so I wasn’t even upset about it.

Well, not too much.

The cafeteria would have coffee made, and I would also be able to get myself a blueberry muffin to get me through the first half of the day.

Not only did I have classes to worry about, but I wanted to make another trip to the second floor of the library during study hall. I wanted to see if I could find any more yearbooks with my uncle in it.

When I called him this morning, he’d rejected my phone call. That usually means he’s in a meeting, but my suspicious mind was wondering all kinds of things about his work now. Over the years I’d gotten used to him flying out of town for work. It was just a usual part of our lives. I didn’t ask questions and he didn’t offer up any information.

I couldn’t help but wonder if he was really going where he said he was. He never left any hotel information. The only contact I had for him was his cell phone. If he didn’t answer he would always call me back later. There was a possibility that I was letting my mind run away with me. He could be exactly where he said he was.

Then again, he’d lied about the most important thing in my life. Why wouldn’t he lie to me about his work?

Jasper had everything ready to put a tracking device on his cell phone and computer when he returned, but that wasn’t going to keep me from focusing on that. It was just one more thing to worry about.

I still needed to come up with a plan that would put me in line with Gio. Jasper hadn’t had any luck in figuring anything out either. Both of us had thrown ideas around and so far the only viable options had been for me to walk into Gio’s condo and sit down with him, taking the chance of getting my ass handed to me by his bodyguards. I could also come clean to Nico about what I was after, telling him about my parents and all my dark bloody plans for his father.

I didn’t think the latter option was such a great idea. Nico would either shoot me or slit my throat before we ended that meeting. Since I wanted to be alive long enough to take Gio to hell with me I wasn’t going to tell Nico shit.

Rounding the last corner before coming up to the cafeteria, I find Alicen pushed up into a corner blocked in by Angel and Dom.

I could feel all the anger from my lack of caffeine sitting up and taking notice. Who the fuck did they think they were cornering her like that?

There was now power in every step I took as I marched up to them.

“You’re going to tell us what we want to know,” I hear Angel bite out at her. Defiance is glittering her deep brown eyes, and I couldn't be prouder of her at that moment.

What was with all these pesky boys thinking just because they ask we’re going to tell them what they want to know? If it’s not any of their damn business, they need to leave it the fuck alone.

“What in the hell is going on here?” My hands are perched on my hips as I stand behind them with my feet planted and my chin tipped up in indignation.

Alicen’s eyes flick over to me, and I can see worry now in those eyes. Whatever they’re talking about she doesn’t want me to know about it. With all the suspicion that I’ve been having about my uncle, I’m surprised I don’t feel the slightest bit of worry when it comes to her.

I should probably be a little on edge, but I’ve known there was something going on with her lately. I’ve just been waiting for her to tell me. Whatever it is can’t be too terrible, because Jasper's known all about it. If it was something I needed to be worried about he would tell me even if she didn’t.

“This isn’t any of your concern. It’s between Alicen and us. Just walk away.” Dom didn’t even turn around to face me as he threw his order over his shoulder as if he expected me to listen.

He was out of his fucking mind if he thought I would just leave my friend with the two of them and walk away.

A hard punch to the back of his head and a kick to the back of his knee dropped him to the floor.

They’d obviously forgotten who I was. I couldn’t let that happen.

“You don’t get to tell me what to do. She’s mine, so I’ll worry about every little thing that’s going on with her. You two are the ones that need to walk the fuck away.” I was almost vibrating with my anger now.

“She’s your friend? You’ll worry about her? How in the hell do you plan on doing that when you don’t even know what’s going on? You don’t see the shit she’s hiding from you. We do, and we’re going to take care of it. Just as soon as she tells us what we want to know.” Angel didn’t remove his gaze from my friend as he spoke to me either. He certainly wasn’t worried about his friend who was slowly picking himself up off the floor rubbing the back of his head.

Tags: Brittney Kol Romance