Page 45 of Season of Seduction

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Kim cocked an eyebrow. “Sex?”

“Sex with someone I don’t know.”

She pulled his jeans open wide, exposing his cloth-covered erection. “It’s simple. You don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not. You tell me what turns you on and I’ll make it happen.” With sure fingers, s

he hooked the elastic band of his boxer-briefs and tugged them down as far as she could. “And to let you know, a nice cock is a big turn-on for me.”

Blake lifted his hips when she started tugging on the bunched-up fabric. With a little effort, they managed to strip him from the waist down. Feeling more awkward dressed in only his shirt, he tugged it off over his head, leaving him fully exposed for Kim’s inspection.

She sat back on her heels and gave him a slow once over. “God, I love older men.”

He thought she was going to tease him by remaining clothed, but Blake was surprised when she reached behind her back and released her bra. Two breasts that would fit perfectly into his hands fell into his sight. Her nipples were already hard, begging him to suck on them. But as soon as he reached for her, Kim pushed him back into the chair.

“Not yet. I want my taste first.” Grabbing his cock by the root, she rose up onto her knees and swallowed him all the way down.

“Fuck.” Blake’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as Kim’s tongue proceeded to lap at his shaft.

Megs wasn’t big into blow jobs, so having his cock surrounded by wet warmth was enough to get his balls tightening. If it wasn’t for Kim’s thumb pressing against his shaft in the right spot, he would have come. Instead, he squeezed his eyes shut and let the sensations roll through him. She sucked at his cock-head. She’d run her tongue down the length of his shaft to stop at his balls. Then she proceeded to suck them one at a time into her mouth. Blake was a moaning fool, his hands clutching the sides of the chair in a death grip.

Kim pulled back with a pop. “You’ve got a nice cock, Blake.”

Somehow he managed to open his eyes and looked down at her. Kim’s lips were shiny from spit, and red from the suction. Her curly hair appeared even wilder. He needed to touch her, taste her, right now.

Enjoying her squeak as he pushed her back to the floor, he took her by the hips and pulled her lace panties down her legs. “You don’t need these.”

“If you say so. You’re the boss.”

Megs always liked being the boss in the bedroom—this would be a pleasant change. He had a list of things he wanted to do to Kim. The first of which is...

Kim gasped as he lowered his face to her pussy and licked a slow path across her clit. The smell of her arousal and the feeling of her firm thighs pressing against his face was enough to blank his mind of his remaining problems. All that mattered was having sex with this surprising woman, wanting to make her come as hard and as long as he could.

Initially setting a slow pace, Blake used his tongue, teeth and fingers to tease Kim. He slid his fingers into her pussy, pressing against the flush skin, coaxing more wetness from her with each pass. Each time he’d press in deep, he’d match it with a flick of his tongue across her clit. It became a rhythm, a musical beat that they’d both fallen beneath.

He lost track of how long he’d been between her legs, not caring about time and only focused on her. It wasn’t until her fingers found his hair and tugged hard that he realized that he’d brought her to the edge.

“Gonna come.” Her voice was ragged, sex-rough.

If he’d known her, Blake might have taken the time to tease her some more. He would have pulled back, maybe played with her nipples, or spanked her ass for fun. But Kim was an unknown quantity and this was Christmas. He sucked her clit hard so it was fully into his mouth. At the same time he pressed two fingers deep into her pussy and fanned them wide. The combination had her bearing down on him as she squeezed her fingers painfully in his hair.

“Fuck!” Her body convulsed as she came, forcing Blake to fight in order to keep licking. He stopped breathing, keeping his focus solely on her and his need to make this good.

As quickly as the fire of her orgasm erupted, Kim fell back down onto the carpet. She released his head, but only so she could cup the back of his neck and coax him up. Her lips were parted and her eyes barely opened as she looked up at him. He knew she wanted him to kiss her. Could tell by the way she lifted her chin and the slight turn of her head. If this was any other time, any other situation, Blake would be making out with her like a pro. But Megs was still too close to the surface and he didn’t want to taint this with her memory. Instead he lowered his mouth to her nipple and sucked.

“Condoms?” He hadn’t thought to ask before now. Fuck, what if she didn’t have any?

“In my purse.” Kim was reaching before she’d finished speaking. “You’re in luck. I just bought some.”

“’Tis the season.”

Kim pulled one of the packets from its home and ripped it open with her teeth. She then reached down and rolled it into place, giving his balls a light squeeze when she finished. “I get the impression it’s been a while.”

“Sex was the first thing to go. I should have realized it was a sign.”

“Well then you do what you need to do. No shame in coming fast.”

Ouch. “I can last long enough to make you come again.”

“It’s fine. I’m usually one and done.”

Tags: Jeffe Kennedy Erotic