Page 46 of Season of Seduction

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Didn’t this girl realize she was waving the proverbial red flag? “Challenge accepted.”

Instead of taking her missionary style, Blake encouraged Kim up onto her hands and knees. When she was fully turned around, he saw the cherry blossom tattoo that covered part of her back and along her side. The artwork was beautiful, making her body even more appealing.

He held her hips firmly as he slid his cock into her tight pussy. Her muscles were twitching uncontrollably from her recent orgasm, each ripple gripping his shaft. Blake moaned once he was fully seated inside her. He was going to need a minute if he wanted to make good on his claim.

Kim pushed back against him. “Come on and fuck me.”

“You’re going to kill me.”

“You’ll die happy.” She bucked back against him again. “I like it hard and fast.”

There wasn’t any reason why he needed to impress Kim, even though he wanted to. Tonight was supposed to be selfish, taking what he wanted to drive Megs from his mind. He started thrusting into Kim with long, hard strokes, being sure to slap his balls against her ass each time. It didn’t take long for her to start moaning, though he didn’t know if it was for show or if she was really that into him.

The longer he fucked her, the more he needed to make her come a second time. He leaned against her back, bracing one hand against the floor for balance as he fumbled for the opened condom packet. It was awkward, but he managed to squeeze out a bit of the remaining lube and coat his fingertips. Hopefully it would be enough.

Reaching between her legs, he slipped his fingers around her still swollen clit and began to pinch and tease the sensitive flesh. Kim gasped and her backward thrusts faltered in their rhythm. “Shit.”

“You’ve been a good little elf.” He bit down on her shoulder, licking the skin afterward. “You’ve earned an extra present.”

Kim’s giggle shook her whole body. “You’re fun.”

He didn’t want to be fun. He wanted to be a holiday sex god. Blake pressed his thumb to her clit and started fucking her hard once again. The angle was awkward enough to keep his own orgasm at bay while he focused on making Kim come. He knew he was hitting the mark when her moans stopped coming at regular intervals and started exploding from her in a way that appeared to catch her off-guard.

“That’s it. You feel it, don’t you?” Her body was so much smaller than his that he was practically wrapped around her. Blake leaned in and sucked on her ear lobe. “You’re so wet. I want you to come on my cock.”

He pressed on her clit a bit harder as he slammed into her body. It was enough. Kim gasped and her body tensed beneath him. Her pussy clenched around his shaft as her orgasm grabbed hold of her. He pushed himself back up so he was fully behind her, his hands back on her hips. The change in position and the force with which her body was squeezing his cock was all it took. Blake squeezed his eyes shut, opened his mouth and cried out., this was far too intense to call it pleasure. Bliss. Yes, his body exploded with bliss as his orgasm tore through every cell in his body. His hearing and sight left him, until all he could do was feel. Every bad thing in his life disappeared, to be replaced by bliss.

And Kim.

Blake’s body finally gave out on him. He managed to gently pull out of her before falling onto his side on the floor. He was vaguely aware of her sliding down next to him. She didn’t rest her head on his chest or wrap an arm around him, but she did brush her fingers against his as they lay there side-by-side.

“Wow,” he managed to say after a few comfortable moments of silence.

“Merry Christmas.” She turned her head and grinned. “Or at least I hope it will be for you.”

“Hard to be a Grinch when I’ve just had the best sex in...years.”

“You were pretty damn good, boss.” She sighed and closed her eyes.

He liked it when she called him boss. She was teasing of course, but the word on her lips felt right. There wasn’t the bit of bite that his employees had when they’d say it to him. Stress had a way of keeping him apart from the others. What he needed was a fresh start, a way to regain some of that teasing that Kim offered.

Really, he should just hire her.

No. He couldn’t.

Blake turned his head to study her. She was young, beautiful and at the beginning of her life. No doubt she’d quickly figure out what she’d want to do with her degree, the type of career she

wanted to pursue. All he could offer her was part-time in a business that he wasn’t sure would even take off.

There was no way a woman like Kim would want anything to do with Naughty Nicks.

“Hey?” His voice was rough, so he cleared his throat. “I have a question for you.”

Kim peeked at him from one eye, her lips turned down into a frown. “I did mention this was a no-commitment thing, right? Because I have no intention of being a rebound.”

He waved his hand, dismissing her concern. “I told you I’m an entrepreneur, right?”

Tags: Jeffe Kennedy Erotic