Page 44 of Season of Seduction

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Kim slid from the stool, put on her coat and held out her hand. “Yes to sex. I’m horny, you’re cute and you look like you need some cheering up.”

“With sex? You don’t even know me.”

“I didn’t know that was a requirement.” She wiggled her fingers. “I promise I don’t bite. Much. You don’t even have to stay for breakfast if that’s what you’re worried about.”

He was being an idiot. A beautiful woman wanted to sleep with him, no strings attached and he was hesitating. What the fuck had Megs done to him?

“You can look at it as sticking it to your wife if you want? The ultimate fuck you.”

Blake got up from his stool and took her by the hand. “I hope I don’t disappoint you.”

“I doubt you could.” Kim waved to her friends as they walked past, flipping one of them the finger when she let out a wolf whistle. “Bite me, Miranda.”

Blake didn’t remember much about the walk to Kim’s place, partially because it was insanely cold out, but mostly because she held his hand the entire way there. It was weird; they’d just met, had barely talked for more than ten minutes and Blake was more comfortable in Kim’s presence than he’d been in Megs’ for the past several months.

By the time they reached her apartment and walked up the stairs to the third floor, Blake knew unless she changed her mind and kicked his sorry ass to the curb, he would actually sleep with her. What did he have to lose at this point? She was young, but wasn’t looking for any type of commitment. He needed something to give him a push out of this bullshit angst he’d been wallowing in for a week. A night of casual sex would be just the thing. It wasn’t as though he’d ever let Megs back into his life.

“Here we are. Sorry about the mess.” The apartment was basic, but comfortable. A few pieces of IKEA furniture were strategically placed in the room so it didn’t look as empty as it should.

Kim ran around, picking up discarded shirts and kicking some boots into a closet, while Blake pulled off his boots and walked into the room. This was weird, being in a place he’d never been before, knowing in a short time he’d most likely be naked with the energy-charged woman flitting around him. If nothing else, the experience would leave him smiling. “Is there anything I can help with?”

“Nothing,” her voice came from what must have been her bedroom. “You can get comfortable.”

Comfortable. Right.

Shrugging off his coat, he laid it across the back of a chair before sitting on the couch. Okay, this was weird.

“Do you want a beer? The eggnog smells a bit off.”

“Yeah, that would be great.”

More noise before Kim emerged from the kitchen, a beer in each hand...and standing in her underwear. Which was red lace.

Blake took the beer without looking away from her toned body, admiring the way the lace clung to the swell of her breasts, the rise of her hips and how it contrasted with her pale skin. He lifted the bottle to his lips and drained half the contents before his world righted itself.

“What did you say you did?” His voice croaked slightly, forcing him to clear it.

“I’m a personal trainer, though it doesn’t pay well. I’m finishing up my Kinesiology degree. Not sure what I’m going to do after that yet.” She ran her tongue around the head of her beer bottle before shooting him a wink and taking a drink. “What do you do?”

“I run my own business.” Holy fucking Santa Claus, this was really happening. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“I do.” Kim set the bottle down and got onto her knees in front of him. “Look, I don’t normally pick up guys for flings.” She placed her hands on his knees and gave him a squeeze. “But I’ve seen you off and on for a week now at that bar. You look like someone ripped out your heart and stomped on it. No one deserves that kind of treatment and no one deserves to be alone this time of year. If I can make your life a little brighter and give us both a great orgasm in the process, well then, I’ll consider it my good deed for the season.”

Blake watched her hand as she reached up and tugged the thin strap of her bra down. “So you’re like my Christmas elf or something?”

“Yup.” The strap fell past her biceps and the front of the cup moved with it. “You’ve been a good boy, so Santa sent you a special present.”

If Kim was his consolation prize for Megs cheating, then maybe things wouldn’t be so bad after all. “Thank you, Santa.”

She flicked the other strap down so there was nothing preventing the thin fabric from falling. “Is there anything I should know before I give you your present? Any dislikes? Kinks? I won’t talk baby talk or any of that shit, just so you know, but I’m pretty flexible with everything else.”

Fuck, his cock was so hard he thought he would come in his pants. “Anything is good. I’m a pretty simple guy.” The last thing he wanted was to come off as a prude, because there was a mostly naked woman on her knees in front of him and that meant there was going to be actual, honest-to-God sex.

It had been weeks since he and Megs had done anything. His cock and balls were particularly full, making him more than pleased with this unexpected turn of events. Kim ran her hands up the length of his thighs and squeezed the tops, inches from his cock. Blake couldn’t stop from bucking his hips in response. “I’m going to fucking come before you even touch me.”

“Don’t do that. We’re just getting started.”

He didn’t move when her fingers found the fly to his jeans and Kim began to work them open. “I’ve got to confess, I’m not used to this.”

Tags: Jeffe Kennedy Erotic