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“I’m in love with Selene,” I tell him.

“I thought we established that already.” Bradley looks confused.

“No, I mean, I’m really in love with her,” I tell him adamantly.

“Yes, I know this,” he says in the same tone as I had.

I put my head in my hands. It’s a like fog had been covering my eyes, and now it’s lifted. It’s perfectly clear. “What am I going to do?” I ask aloud, not meaning to.

“Brody, you’re going to love her and take care of her.”

I run my hands through my hair. He’s right, and that’s what I’m going to do. “I’m ready to go home.”

“Fine, I’ll take you to Selene’s.” My brother gives me a huge smile. I love him for reading my mind.


Bradley pulls my car behind Selene’s in her driveway. I have to restrain myself from running in there, sweeping her into my arms, and having sex with her right then. We walk into the house, and I hear her laugh. There’s a twitch in my pants that brings a small grin to my face. I walk into the kitchen where she and Allison are sitting at the table. My heart actually skips a beat when she looks up at me.

“Hey, guys. Did you have fun?” Selene smiles at us.

“We did,” Bradley answers. “Hey Allison, are you hungry?”

Allison’s eyes widen a bit. “Um, actually yeah, Selene and I were just deciding where to eat.”

“Well, how about you take out a Swedish tourist to a nice restaurant for some real American food?” Bradley flashes a bright smile, and I roll my eyes.

“Only if you’re buying.” She stands and grabs her purse from the back of the chair.

“Deal.” He sticks his elbow out, and she takes it. Both of them leave without as much as a goodbye to Selene or me.

“Well, that was interesting.” Selene giggles, standing up and clearing the glasses off of the table.

I don’t say anything, only follow behind her to the sink. I wrap my hands around her shoulders pressing her against the counter.

“I’ve missed you.” I push my hips against her, whispering into her ear.

“Brody,” she breathes out.

“I know that you’ve missed me too.” I lightly rub my hands up and down her shoulders.

“And how do you know that?” She giggles q


“Let’s say it’s a lucky guess.” I chuckle in her ear right before I take her earlobe into my mouth and gently bite down on it. She moans and pushes back against my hips.

“Brody, tell me that you want me.” A moment ago, her voice was full of lust, and now it almost sounds sad.

I step back and turn her around, facing me. “I’m going to say this, and I want you to hear me out before you say one word, okay?”

She nods.

I cup her face in my hands and look deeply into her beautiful eyes. “I love you, Selene. I know that it’s quick, and yes, at first I thought you were a stalker, but our first night together and the arrangement that we made was the most incredible night for me. I never thought that I would ever love anyone after my heart was broken, but you showed me that my shattered love could be healed. On top of that, you were the one person I’ve always been looking for.” I can see the tears in her eyes.

“Are you about to ask me to marry you?” Her eyes widen slightly.

“Would you say yes?” I blurt it out before I can stop myself, and my heart stops for a moment.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance