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“Not this time.” She gives me a small smile, and there’s hope that if I ask again, she might say yes.

I kiss her lips hard. I want to be inside of her badly. I need to feel her naked under me. When I finally break from her, her lips are red, swollen, and her eyes are full of lust.

“I want you,” I say to her.

“Not in the kitchen please. I just disinfected everything.”

I chuckle at her, take her by the hand, and lead her to the bedroom. Bonkers is on the bed, chewing on a ball. He perks up, wags his tail, and looks at me.

“Out, Bonkers,” I command, and the dog grabs his toy and leaves the room.

“My dog listens to you better than me. That’s a little sad,” Selene says, walking over to the bed, taking off her shirt.

“Stop,” I tell her as she’s about to unsnap her jeans.

“Oh, I’m sorry, captain Ross. Do you want to undress me?” Her voice is seductive.

“Yes, I do.” I grab the front of her jeans and jerk her to me. “If you thought for a millisecond that I never wanted you, by the time I’m done with you, you’ll never forget it.”

“I’m liking the sound of this.” She winks at me.

With that, I pull her jeans down quickly and guide her to the bed, pushing her onto it, removing them all the way along with her panties. I kiss up her calves, to her thighs, and pay close attention to each of her hips. I spread her legs apart and hear her moan my name.

I don’t know what it is about my name coming from her lips that drives me insane, but it makes me want her more. I begin to suck her, and the taste of her sweetness is on my tongue. She’s the one I want forever. I lick her deeply, pushing my two fingers into her. Her hips arch as she digs her hands through my hair, pulling me closer to her.

I keep sucking, licking, and pushing into her until I can feel her tighten around me. Selene’s saying my name louder, and I know that she is close, so I stop. I stand up and remove my shirt as the woman I love lays on the bed, trying to come down from the sexual fog that she’s in. I remove the rest of my clothes and slip on a condom. I pull Selene into an upright position and take off her bra. I can still feel her shaking.

“Lay on your stomach,” I tell her.

“Trying something new?” she bites down on her lip.

“Trust me, you’ll enjoy it.”

She doesn’t say anything as she positions herself on the bed. I crawl up behind her, kissing up her spine, feeling the chills pulsating through her. I tease her with my tip gently stroking her.

“Brody,” she pleads, and I push into her. She cries out as I pull out and thrust again. I repeat this several times as I watch her cling to the headboard.

My body needs more of her. I pump faster into her as she yells out my name over and over. I can feel myself about to lose it as she grows tight around me. I lay my body to match hers and unclasp her hands from the headboard, lacing our fingers together. I hold onto her as she buries her face into the pillow and yells my name.

“Fuck,” is the only thing I can say as I feel myself release. It takes everything I have to hover over her because I’m shaking. Finally, I pull out and roll off of her. Selene doesn’t move, she just turns her head to me.

“Well, I definitely won’t forget that,” she says between breaths.

All I can do is laugh at the woman I love.

Chapter Nineteen


“God, I love you,” Brody murmurs as he nuzzles my neck.

I smile. I can’t help it. A giddy feeling arises within me as he presses a kiss against my shoulder. What is it about him that when he says he loves me, I feel like I should go skipping or go twirling in circles in a field of wildflowers with glee? The best part is that he’s saying it because he wants me to know. Simple as that. There isn’t an expectation for me to say it back either. I want to tell him how I feel, so badly, but I’m holding back for some reason.

Brody lifts his head suddenly, a matching smile on his face. “Why are you grinning like that, Selene?”

“No reason in particular,” I lie.

His grin widens, recognizing my fib. “Are you sure it’s not because of what I said? About the fact that I love you?” Is he addicted to saying those three words to me? Because it’s like he can’t help himself.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance