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“Um.” I look between her and my brother.

“I’m going to hang out with Allison at her house,” Selene explains.

“Why aren’t you at work?” I realize that it’s still early afternoon, and she shouldn’t be home yet.

“Had some personal time.” She shrugs like it’s not a big deal. I’ve noticed that lately she’s been taking time off, and it worries me. “It’s fine. Go have some brother time. I’m going to have some girl time. All this Swedish testosterone around me is making me nervous.” She walks over and kisses my cheek.

I didn’t want her to go, but she’s right. We’ve not left her side in days. I eventually nod, and Bradley walks her out the door and watches her go to her house. I don’t move from my spot because if I do, I will run to her and not let her go.

“Grab your skates and sticks, Brody.” Bradley slaps my shoulder as he heads to my hall closet. “We’re going to go work out these issues.”

“What issues?”

My twin gives me a pointed look. “What issues?” he repeats. “Brody, I know you better than anyone else. Trust me, I know that something is going on in that head of yours.” He grabs a bag and heads out the door. I grab my hockey bag and follow him.

Bradley drives to the rink, and I don’t say one word on the way. I only stare out the window, watching everything zoom by me. How could my life be fucked up and perfect at the same time?

We park outside the practice rink and go in. I’ve had a key to the rink since I was made captain. I unlock the door, walk in, and turn on the lights as we go through. We both sit on the bench and lace our skates. Bradley grabs the sticks and hits the ice. I watch him do a couple laps. He should be in the NHL. His speed is remarkable. We played when we were young, but he never had a goal to be in the NHL like I did. I grab a puck and the other stick and jump on the ice with him.

“Ready?” Bradley asks with a smirk.

“Bring it,” I joke back. With that, we start playing one-on-one.

Shot after shot and Bradley constantly stealing the puck from me, the next hour is exactly what I need. Even the practice with the team can’t compare to spending time with my brother. We hardly talk through our game. As I drive the Zamboni over the ice, Bradley sits on the bench, putting new tape on the sticks. When I’m all done, I sit next to him, looking out at the fresh sheet of ice.

“Talk, Brody. You can’t keep it all inside.” Bradley’s right.

“I feel like it’s all falling apart,” I say quietly.

“How so?”

I take a deep breath before answering. “This whole Jessica situation is driving me crazy. I still don’t know if she is really pregnant. On top of that, what the fuck am I going to do if she is? I don’t want to have a kid with her. I mean, I’ll love and take care of the kid, but I don’t want to be with her.”

“Who do you want that with?” he asks.

“Selene,” I answer instantly.

Bradley chuckles. “Brody, I’m so glad that you found Selene.”

My forehead wrinkles in confusion. “Why?”

“Honestly, I was becoming concerned about you. You were bouncing into every single girl’s bed that you could find. I didn’t think you would ever fall in love. But,” he looks over at me, “when I saw you with Selene the first time, I knew that you were in true love.”

I stare into my mirror image, and I’m in shock. He saw that I was in love with Selene? It’s almost the same thing Kris told me the other day.

“Don’t you think it’s a little strange for me to have all these feeling for her so fast?” I ask.

Bradley shakes his head. “No. I mean, look at Mom and Dad, they fell in love the first night together. They tell us that all the time.”

I nod. I can remember the story. They both swear the first time they saw each other, it was instant love. I always thought it was strange, but now, thinking of Selene, I can understand it.

“Oh shit,” I announce.


I look back out at the ice. I love her. I’m truly, one-hundred percent, in love with Selene. I want her in my life, all the time, every moment.

“What is it, Brody? You’re as white as a ghost.” Bradley’s voice brings me back to the reality that I want to be in.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance