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“Oh, that’s right.” I’d totally forgotten Josie’s brothers and sister were coming to visit. “If you want to cancel, let me know.”

“Nonsense. I’m getting stir-crazy already.”

I didn’t think her eyesight would necessarily be better by Saturday, since it was only two days away, but I knew for a fact that with the house full, she’d forget all about it.

I was just about to ask her if she wanted me to close the curtains when the doorbell rang.

“Are you expecting someone?” I asked.


“Okay, I’ll go and see who it is.”

I opened the door to find a delivery guy there with a huge box from Dumont Foods. I hadn’t ordered it, but I was convinced Rob did. He’d called me while I was on my way here, asking if we needed anything, if we had any food.

“Just let me find my wallet,” I said.

“There’s nothing to pay, miss.”

I tipped him generously, carrying the box to the kitchen before heading to Mom’s room.

“We just got di

nner delivered,” I announced.

“I heard. Something from Dumont’s, right?”

Well, well. Seemed like Mom’s hearing had gotten sharper lately.

“Yes. I know the owner—”

“The hot man you’re dating.”

My jaw dropped. “How do you...? You haven’t even met him.”

“Well, no, but Tess described him in a lot of detail.”

Laughing, I shot Rob a message.

Skye: We just got the food. THANK YOU SO MUCH.

Rob: Anytime. Want me to schedule daily deliveries for the next two weeks?

Oh, wow.

Skye: That would be a huge help. Thank you.

Rob: You’re welcome.

I laughed, pressing my palm on my belly, but there was no taming that giddy sensation coiling through me. And after all, why should I?

“So tell me about him,” Mom said.

Ha! That was all the encouragement I needed. I went on a five-minute monologue about Rob while helping Mom to the dining table.

“You sound so happy,” she said once we sat down.

“I know, right? I am happy.”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance