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“At least she’s not in pain.”

“That’s what I think too. It’s inconvenient, but once it passes, she’ll be just fine. But for the next two weeks, she’s going to need extra care and attention. She’s always down when she’s sick.”

She was so sensitive to other people’s well-being. I hadn’t met anyone like her in my whole life.

“Mick is leaving the city for work tomorrow. Tess and I will take turns spending the night at Mom’s house for the next week, maybe longer if needed.”

My face fell. Skye’s smile dimmed when she noticed my expression, and I immediately schooled my features, wanting to reassure her. True, I’d been hoping for more time with her, but I was adaptable.

“Which nights?” I asked.

“I’ll be there tomorrow night, and Tess the evening after that.”

“So tonight, I get you all to myself.”

She nodded, still eying me warily. “Oh, by the way, I bought something for Lindsay. Don’t let me forget to give it to you. I went by Tris’s shop, and she had a bracelet that goes well with that pendant.”

“I’m sure she’ll love it.”

With everything going on, she still had made time to stop and buy something for Lindsay? That touched me for reasons I couldn’t explain. I skimmed my hands over her body, barely restraining the urge to yank off her clothes.

“Lie back,” I said.

“Bossing me some more?”

“Lie. Back.”

She did as I said, watching me intently. I pressed my fingers in her calves, moving up quickly to her inner thighs.

“I see. So you’re feeling me up under the guise of a massage. Clever.”

“I’m not pretending at all.”

“I did bring you back here with hopes for more hot kisses, but so far nothing,” she teased.

This woman was going to be the death of me. I pulled her back to me the next second. Her ass pressed against my thigh, but I wanted her on me. I scooped her up, placing her in my lap, legs bent at the side. Cupping the back of her head, I brought her closer, swiping my tongue over her lower lip. She shuddered, clenching her hands on the collar of my shirt.

She wanted a kiss? She was going to get a whole lot more than that, because I planned to make the most of this evening and any other she was mine.

I had no idea when I’d gone from my casual, laid-back ways to wanting to maximize every moment I spent with her, but I liked the change. It felt so normal, so right, and I wanted to make sure we were on the same page.

I fully intended to pause the kiss and broach the subject, but when Skye bit my tongue lightly, popping open a button of my shirt, she completely diverted my attention.

“So, Mr. Sexy and Bossy Man, plan to make good on that promise or what?” she whispered.

“Fuck yes.”

Chapter Twenty-Two


“Hon, you don’t have to hover over me every minute you’re here,” Mom said.

I held my hands up in defense. “No hovering.”

Mom lifted a brow. She might have blurry eyesight, but that didn’t take away from her feistiness. Okay, so I might have been hovering. I’d arrived at the apartment about an hour ago and had so far brought her water twice, changed the bedsheets, arranged her towels, and fluffed her pillows.

“I hope I’m gonna be better by Saturday. I want to at least be able to entertain my guests properly.”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance