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We ate salads with chicken, lettuce, feta cheese, and baked potatoes. The perfect blend of healthy and delicious comfort food.

“So, how serious are you two?”

“We’re just having a great time together,” I replied slowly, which didn’t exactly answer her question. The truth was, I had no idea. I was happy knowing we were exclusive, but I hoped with every fiber of my being that it might end up being more.

Usually, I didn’t even let myself think too far ahead in the future. Being here in Mom’s apartment, I couldn’t pretend I didn’t know why: the fear of the man I loved just up and leaving me was lodged deep inside me.

This was the first time hope was stronger than fear. Rob had changed me.

After going to bed, I tossed and turned most of the night. The couch in the reading room was a pullout designed for guests to sleep on, but it was very uncomfortable. That wasn’t why I was awake at two o’clock though. I had Rob on my mind. I squeezed one of the fluffy decorative pillows to my chest, sighing. I’d never been one to harbor romantic ideas... but now I was. There was no denying it. Just thinking about Rob made me fiddle my toes against one another and smile for no reason at all.

The next morning, I woke up with a surprising bout of energy despite only having slept a few hours. And still thinking about Rob, which was why I texted him first thing.

Skye: My neck is stiff.

Rob: I can help with that.

Skye: I know. That’s why I’m telling you. So you can prepare accordingly.

Rob: Duly noted.

Cole was spending the day with Mom, taking her to the doc for her checkup too, and Tess was staying with her this evening. At least, that was the original plan.

But Tess was caught in a meeting with our distribution partner until late. At six o’clock, she texted me.

Tess: Can you head over to Mom’s? One of the guys was an hour late to the meeting, so this will take forever. Cole has a dinner meeting he can’t cancel. I’ll come afterward.

Skye: Just go home and I’ll spend the night there.

Jane was closing the store, so we had that covered, but I had to cancel my dinner plans with Rob. I wasn’t upset with Tess, but I really wanted to see him, and I began to feel pouty.

Skye: I won’t be able to make it tonight. Tess is caught up in a meeting, so I’m heading to Mom’s.

Rob: See you tomorrow?

Skye: Not sure when. There is a gathering at Mom’s house—all my siblings will be here, and those of my cousin-in-law.

Rob: Oh, right! You told me that. I forgot. ?

My stomach rolled. We hadn’t made plans for tomorrow, because Josie’s family was in town and I wasn’t sure how long the gathering at Mom’s house was going to take.

God, I hoped he wasn’t going to get annoyed with all of this and decide I was too much trouble. I shook my head, chastising myself. That was no way to think, but I couldn’t help myself, not after my horrid experience with Dean.

He called as I was about to descend to the subway station, so I stopped next to a waffle shop instead to take the call. The smell was weakening my knees, and my resolve not to snack before dinner. Why, oh why did Soho have temptations at every corner?

I pressed the phone to my ear, turning my back to the waffles.

“Hi,” I said.

“Hey. Here’s a thought. Would you like company? You and your mom?”

I nearly swallowed my tongue. “Wait, what?”

“I can have dinner with the two of you. If you think that’s going to be okay with her.”

For a second, I couldn’t answer. Giddiness bubbled up my throat, prompting a very large and silly grin on my face and an army of butterflies in my stomach.

“She’d like that.” I was trying to sound casual, but I was fairly certain he could tell I was grinning, because my voice changed a bit.

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance