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Skye: I’ll think about it.

I was grinning from ear to ear. How was I even considering it?

Rob: Tell me one more thing about you. Something I can’t guess.

Skye: But if I tell you, you’ll miss out on the fun of finding out yourself.

Rob: There’s so much to discover about you, so I’m sure we’ll have plenty of fun. I plan to be very thorough.

He wanted to discover me? That sounded.... Holy shit, I couldn’t even explain it, but it brought on a goofy smile. The mask started dripping in earnest. After placing my phone on the counter under the mirror, I hopped back in the shower quickly, rinsing the rest of the mask. My whole body was vibrating with excitement. I usually liked to linger under the spray of the water, but now I was ready in record time, wrapping my hair in a towel and putting on a robe.

Another message awaited me.

Rob: Tell me something you haven’t told anyone.


Skye: Aiming so high already?

Rob: Always.

Hmmm... what should I tell him? I made a mental list of possibilities, then chuckled at myself. I was taking this way too seriously.

Skye: I love to break rules occasionally.

He called me the next second. I went into my bedroom, sitting in the reading armchair next to the bed.

“I’ll need more details,” Rob said. “Pegged you as someone who sticks to rules.”

“I do.” I could barely keep from laughing. “I think they are there for a reason. But when I do break them, it’s such a rush....”

He didn’t say anything for a few seconds, but I thought he sounded as if he was stifling a groan. My body perked up at the possibility. I was getting feisty tonight.

“Give me an example.”

“So, my family organizes these events—”

“The Ballroom Galas, I know. Anne told me.”

“Okay. Well, one of the activities we do is that in order to dance with someone, you have to buy a ticket. There is a raffle, and the winner gets the dance. My brother Ryker invited

his now-fiancée to one of the galas, and he wanted to make sure he got all her dances. He asked me to rig the raffle, and I said no—”

“Ouch, not even for your brother?”

“Wait, I’m not done.”

“I’m listening.”

“Anyway, so he decides to buy all the tickets for every dance, and he succeeds... except for one dance when another guy also bought a ticket. And what do you know, that other guy actually won. But I just didn’t have it in me to do that to Ryker, so I declared my brother as the winner.”

“I’m impressed.”

I laughed. “No one knows though.”

“And I won’t tell.”

“It’s my favorite memory from any event.”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance