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I shook my head, snapping myself out of my thoughts.

“No, no. Don’t make me feel guilty for that. Come on, off you go.”

His smile widened, but he nodded, backing away. My pulse was still racing when I closed the door and leaned against it. Amazing how much sense of safety a piece of wood gave me.

I almost expected him to knock at my door one hour later after his run, but he didn’t.

To my astonishment, I was disappointed. Wow, this man was making me discover new things about myself.

I checked my phone before I went into my shower—no message. My stomach bottomed out.

I laughed at myself, taking off my clothes. The bra straps had left red marks on my shoulders, which meant they needed even more padding. I spoiled myself with a scrub and a hair mask. I was midway through rinsing when I heard my phone buzz with an incoming message.

My heart rate intensified the same second. I knew instinctively that it was from Rob. But what if it wasn’t? I had to know.

With my hair still full of gooey cream, I darted out of the shower and almost fell on my ass. I grabbed the towel rack for support, drying my hands before tapping my phone.

Rob: Just read that study. Very impressive.

Skye: It’s thorough, right?

Rob: Yeah. It’s just missing one thing.

Skye: What?

Rob: Instructions on how to have proper motivation to work out in the morning.

Skye: It wasn’t part of the research question though.

Rob: Plus, it comes down to personal choice.

Skye: True.

Rob: You can help.

I blinked at the screen, not really getting it.

Skye: What do you mean?

Rob: Train with me in the mornings.

Wow. Grinning, I leaned over the sink as I typed back. The mask was starting to drip, but I just couldn’t put the phone down long enough to rinse.

Skye: Thought you didn’t have time in the morning.

Rob: I’d make time for you.

I licked my lips, shaking my head. This man....

Skye: Think you could turn into a Pilates fan?

Rob: We could compromise. Half an hour jogging, half an hour of Pilates. You give in, I give in.

Skye: Sounds like making a deal with the devil.

I waited with bated breath for his reply.

Rob: It would be.

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance