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“You’re full of surprises.” A beat later, he added, “So, tomorrow morning....”

“Haven’t decided yet if I’ll strike that deal.”

“I see. So you’re not sure if you want to help me develop a healthier lifestyle?”

“I like the angle you’re taking.”

“I know how to play my cards, Skye.”

I had no doubt about that. Just hearing my name from his mouth was doing inexplicable things to me.

“I need to hang up,” I said, checking the towel on my head. It was soaked. “Still need to dry my hair.”

“Good night, Skye.”

“Good night.”

I usually fell asleep the second I climbed into bed, but that evening, I tossed and turned for what felt like hours. I was happy being single... but then Rob’s face popped up in my mind.

I hid my face in the pillow, fiddling with my toes on the comforter. I was not going to think about Rob. That was a surefire way to stay up half the night... which was exactly what happened, of course.

The next morning, I woke up a bit later than usual, groggy as hell. Served me right for staying up so late.

I messaged Tess to let her know I’d be in around ten, then took my Pilates mat into the backyard. I instinctively glanced at Rob’s place. I couldn’t tell if he was still at home, because he always parked his car in the garage. He was usually gone at this time anyway.

I loved working out in nature in summer, feeling the warm sun on my skin, soaking up vitamin D. I was locked up so many hours a day inside the store that I would love nothing better than to spend all my free time outdoors.

I’d memorized the routine, and weirdly enough, watching the trainer explain the movements on the screen didn’t motivate me at all. It just made me more aware of the burn in my muscles. So I put in my AirPods, started my Netflix app, and watched one of my shows. I was one of those who liked to rewatch old favorites ad nauseam, so even if I was in a position that didn’t allow me to see the screen, I still knew what was going on just by listening. I called this multitasking. Exercising and watching TV. It was the most relaxing time of the day.

Midway through my routine, a shadow appeared on the grass. I was on all fours... well, not exactly. One hand and leg were stretched out.

“Morning,” Rob said.

I lost my balance the next second, plunking my palm on the ground, then my toes. They made a cracking sound, and pain seared through me.

“Owwww,” I exclaimed, turning around. I sat on my ass, cradling my left foot. The toes seemed to have taken the brunt of the impact.

Rob lowered himself on his haunches until he was almost level with me.

“Skye! You okay?”

“I think so.” I still cradled my foot, feeling my toes with my fingers.

Rob put a hand on my shoulder. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. My toes are okay. Not broken or anything.” When I put my foot back on the ground though, I realized they were too sore for me to be able to walk normally. “I don’t think I can continue my workout.”

“Come on, I’ll help you get inside the house.”

I rose to my feet, awkwardly balancing my weight on one full sole and only using the heel of the other foot. Rob put an arm around my waist, pulling me in to him. Feeling his hard body against mine was overwhelming my senses. His cologne was delicious. Had he changed it? It was citrusy, with a light hint of mint.

Well, this was an interesting way to take my mind off the pain.

I hopped awkwardly on one and a half feet, grateful for his support. Inside the house, I sat on the couch, resting my bad foot on the ottoman, flexing my toes.

“It’s getting better,” I said.

“Want to ice them?”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance