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“What if I told you the only reason I’m doing this is because I want to take care of you and keep you safe. Would that please you or make you angry?” Sure fingers curled around her upper arm and brought her to him. So quickly, she braced herself, palms flat against his muscular chest.

Big mistake. She could feel the unmistakable pounding of his heart beneath her palms, a sure indication he was as aroused as she was.

This wasn’t supposed to happen.

“I’d say thank you for your concern. But it’s only temporary. The moment you catch Billy or my sister, you’ll be gone.”

“You don’t have a lot of faith in men, do you?” He slid his arms around her waist, splaying his hands across her back. She closed her eyes, lost in his touch.

“I don’t have a lot of faith in people in general,” she murmured against his chest.

“Believe in me when I say I want to take care of you, Janelle. I want to make sure you’re safe. That’s why I’m putting a tail on you but I swear, no one will find out. He’ll be so discreet you won’t realize he’s there.” Dipping his head, his mouth brushed hers, just once, as soft and fleeting as a butterfly’s wing. And then he was gone, halfway across the room in a matter of seconds.

Looking as shaken up as she felt.

“Okay.” Janelle tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, trying to control her trembling fingers.

He smiled, the sight of it doing strange, twisting things to her insides. The man was too gorgeous for his own good. “Trust me, no one will see him. And it’ll make me feel better knowing he’s there.”

His words made her heart swell.

Glancing at his watch, he headed for the door. “I’m still on duty and I have a few things to check on. Do not, I repeat, do not open this door for anyone. Stay home tonight. I’ll let you know when the undercover guard starts, probably sometime later tonight.”

“Hey, Nate.” She hurried toward him when he opened the door and he stopped, turning to look at her.


She smiled tentatively. “Thank you. Thank you for everything. I may act ungrateful sometimes, but I do appreciate it.”

His eyes warmed, the smile still lingering on his lips. “You’re welcome, Janelle.”

Nate shut the door behind him and she plopped onto the couch, throwing her head back with a sigh. Her heart pitter-pattered and her nipples still tingled. Her sex throbbed with a slow, incessant beat.

He played havoc with her senses and her emotions. Rough and demanding one minute, sweet and thoughtful the next. Handsome, considerate, good in bed, he was freaking ideal. Too perfect to be true.

There had to be a quirk, right? There always was. She didn’t believe in true love or two people being perfect for one another. Nobody had it that good, despite what some said. She was too much of a cynic.

Something about the way Nate looked at her, though. A faint possessive gleam in his eyes, as if he really wanted to take care of her. Cherish her. Make sure she was protected, happy and safe.

Not even her own mother had bothered to do that when she was a small child. No one had ever protected her.

A few days with Nate and he wanted to be her savior. And she wanted to let him. Though she knew she was risking her heart.

For once, she almost didn’t care. For once, she believed someone might be worth the risk.

* * * *

Rage consumed Nate as he drove south on the f

reeway, toward Billy D’s nightclub. The mere thought of something happening to Janelle at the hands of that monster made him want to scream. Tear something apart. Beat the shit out of somebody.

Like Billy himself. It would give him complete and utter satisfaction to pummel that asshole into a bloody pulp. Laugh in his face. Kick him in the balls. Watch the normally smug bastard squirm on the ground.

It would also garner him an instant leave of absence and ultimately get him fired. Billy wouldn’t waste any time reporting his ass.

Nate didn’t know how many times he’d been tempted to go kick the crap out of him but thank God, he’d always resisted. Also thanks in part to the good sense of his partner Greg, who always talked him out of his irrational behavior.

He’d ditched Greg earlier when he left for Janelle’s. He needed to call him.

Tags: Karen Erickson Protect and Defend Romance