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As soon as he was finished with Diaz.

Pressing his lips together, Nate took the freeway exit, turning right in the direction of Billy D’s. Since he’d stopped frequenting the place, he’d heard rumors Billy was back, hanging around as if nothing had happened. Funny how the entire time he’d been there, he’d never seen the guy. Only Ginger and a few of his other henchmen would run the joint.

As if Diaz had known all along Nate was casing the place. Keeping a low profile so Nate wouldn’t catch him involved in any of the nefarious doings that went down at the club.

Ginger hadn’t been spotted at Billy D’s lately. None reported at Temptations either, he’d check both sources he had.

It was as if Ginger went up in smoke.

He secretly worried something serious may have happened to her. He didn’t tell Janelle, didn’t want to worry her more than she already was.

Sighing, he gripped the steering wheel so tight, he white-knuckled it. The woman made him crazy. He wanted her. He didn’t know why he denied it. Being at her apartment for those few scant minutes had consumed him with need. His dick had leapt to attention at first sight of her and when he touched her, he thought he would lose it.

But he’d kept himself under tight control. Had asked her questions she didn’t want to answer. Caused her to reveal bits of herself that made some of it come together in his mind.

The too-brief kiss still lingered on his lips, made his entire body buzz with want.

He still didn’t know much about her, but at least had a firmer grasp. Though she didn’t realize it yet, she needed someone to take care of her. Treat her like the sweet and sexy woman she was, appreciate her. It scared the shit out of him, but he wanted to be that man.

Would she let him? She’d never let anyone get close before, she’d admitted that. And would he allow himself? He wasn’t one for relationships either. He hadn’t been in one for a few years, too busy with work. Then becoming too consumed with his partner’s death.

No one had wanted to be around him. He’d turned into a complete asshole. Janelle had…changed him.

Nate grimaced. He was thinking like a complete sap when he needed to focus. Like that he was pulling into the club parking lot and was pretty sure he caught a glimpse of Billy’s car.


Parking his car, he headed for the front doors, surprised at how many other cars filled the lot at two in the afternoon.

There were a lot of stripper joints in the greater Los Angeles area. It just so happened, Billy owned one of the more successful ones, which made him a bigger target.

Of course, if he was also using this place as a filter for his drug business, then that explained the crowd. Users went looking for more drugs at all hours of the day.

Nate entered the dim-lit building, blinking slowly, his eyes adjusting from the bright sun to the near black room. Glancing at the stage, he saw a woman dancing, clad in a neon pink string bikini, her lush body a little past limit for such revealing clothing.

Either the quality of the dancers had gone about twenty notches down, or Billy didn’t care what happened in the middle of the day.

“Can I get you something?” The bartender was tall and chubby, had a gleaming bald head. Beady little eyes watched Nate as the man wiped down the bit of counter in front of him. Nate had never seen him before, and he’d hung out at this crappy club for a while.

“No thanks. Is the owner of this establishment in?”

“Who’s askin’?” The man tossed the dirty rag into the sink behind him.

Nate reached into his pocket and flashed his badge. Forget the anonymous bullshit. He wasn’t coming back to this place undercover again. “Police, asshole. Go get your boss.”

“Don’t worry, Frankie, I’ve got it handled.” The amused voice of Billy himself sounded from behind Nate and he turned to find the man he hated more than anyone in the world standing before him.

Billy’s gold colored eyes fairly sparkled, as if he found Nate showing up here rather amusing.

Which he probably did. The sick fuck.

“Well, well, well, we finally meet after you’ve been skulking about my club for weeks on end,” Billy drawled with a smug smile.

“Well, you’re out in the open so I’m out in the open. I thought I’d play fair.”

“Touché.” Billy’s grin widened and he indicated a small table and two chairs with a wave of his hand. “Please, sit. Tell me what brought you here and why you want to talk.”

“What I have to say won’t take long.” Nate breathed deep, fire filling his lungs. Having Billy this close made him angry. Damn tempted to pull out his piece and plug the asshole, once and for all.

Tags: Karen Erickson Protect and Defend Romance