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“I’m sorry,” I say with a sigh. “Are you going to be okay on your own?”

She arches a brow. “Please. Do you even know me? I’m a friggin’ genius.”

I laugh, kissing her nose. “Yes. Yes, you are.” Tugging on the fabric of her sweatpants, I let the topic of Grayson fizzle out, focusing on the more pressing point, instead. “So, I take it we’re not going to semi-formal?”

“Let’s be honest — we don’t have the best record at these things, anyway.”

“Well, maybe we change that. Let’s make a pact, right here and now.”

Cassie sits up straight. “Okay. Hit me.”

“No more fights. No more third parties. No more stupid drama or miscommunication or whatever other bullshit tends to wiggle its way between us.” I hold out my pinky. “From now on, it’s just me and you.”

Cassie loops her pinky through mine. “Me and you.”


“Are you proposing, Adam Brooks?”

“Not yet. But you can bet your ass I will someday.”

She flushes, shaking her head as she watches me. “And you can bet your ass that I’ll say yes.”

My heart does a leap in my chest at the thought, and I pull her into me, pressing another kiss to her perfect lips.

“So,” I say, still holding onto her. “We could lie here, order some greasy food and watch some movies. Or, we could crash semi-formal like a couple of bums.”

Her eyes widen. “Dressed like this?”

“Mm-hmm. Just like this. What do you say?”

Cassie hums, eyes tracing the ceiling before she looks at me with a devilish grin.

And I know her answer before she can even speak.IT’S MY LAST SEMI-FORMAL.

I don’t know why it took so long to hit me, why all semester long I haven’t taken the time to stop and really consider the fact that this is it.

This is my last semester of college.

This is my last month at Palm South University.

These are my last few weeks as president of Kappa Kappa Beta.

And after this, a completely new life starts.

“What planet are you on?”

I blink at the question, turning to find a grinning Gavin watching me, amused. His hair is styled for the first time since I’ve known him, and to my surprise, he showed up at the Kappa Kappa Beta house in a beige suit, one that brings out the blue in his eyes and highlights the dark olive of his skin.


“You were lost in space. Just wondering which planet you were on.”

I smile, eyes trailing over the room. We rented out a gorgeous and historic hotel downtown for semi this year, and it almost feels like we’ve stepped back in time in the grand ballroom, the extravagant chandeliers casting a low-lit glow over my sisters and their dates as they dance. Gavin and I are alone at a cocktail table in the corner, and yet I feel so warm and full I could combust.

“The planet where I’m no longer in a sorority,” I finally answer. “Where I’m no longer defined by the letters on my shirt or the title I hold.”

“Sounds like an awesome planet to me.”

I chuckle. “I’m sure it will be great in its own ways, but… I’m really going to miss this.”

My heart squeezes the more I look around, and I can’t help but smile when I see Cassie and Adam letting loose on the dance floor — both of them in sweat pants and standing out like two sore thumbs in the sea of suits and dresses. But they’re laughing and spinning each other and having the time of their lives, and for the first time, I don’t give a shit that they broke the rules. I don’t care that they’re out of dress code and mocking an event with history and purpose.

My smile climbs farther when I spot Jess and Kade making out behind the stage. The way the curtain is hung, no one else can see them, but our table just happens to have a perfect view. And again, I don’t find a care in my soul about Jess being scandalous at a sorority event.

Because seriously, who the hell cares?

We’re young. And limitless. And gloriously unbound.

It’s magical.

And yet, with so much joy and love comes heartbreak in equal measure. Ashlei didn’t even come tonight, to her last semi-formal, because she’s heartbroken over her breakup with Brandon. And though Skyler is here, it’s without Kip, and I know it kills her.

Little does she know that he’s going to surprise her in a big way next week.

He called me right after she left California after Thanksgiving and asked me to help set it all up. He wants to surprise her the night she finds out she’s president — because we all know she will get elected. So, he’s flying in, and not just to see her.

But to lavalier her.

Getting a lavalier from your boyfriend is like one step away from an engagement ring, and about the most serious step you can take in college. It’s a special ceremony for a silly little necklace that means everything to the two people exchanging it.

Tags: Kandi Steiner Romance