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“Hi,” she whispers after a while, pulling her legs to sit criss-cross on my bed.


I want so badly to reach for her, to pull her into me, to kiss her and tell her she doesn’t have to say a word. And I decide after approximately two seconds that that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

I reach for her at the same time her little bottom lip quivers, and she launches into my arms, letting me wrap her up and cradle her. I inhale her scent, breathe in her heat and her love, and the first relieved sigh leaves my chest since the night we parted.

“I’m so fucking sorry, Cassie.”

“You’re sorry?” She shakes her head, which is still buried in my chest. “It’s me who was the idiot.”

I chuckle. “You’re not an idiot.”

She pulls back, her eyes meeting mine. “You were right. You were right about Grayson just like you were right about Clay my first semester here. How is it that your asshole radar is so strong and mine is completely broken?”

“Hey, I’m kind of glad it’s broken,” I tease. “If it wasn’t, you might never have started dating me.”

She smiles, burying her head in my chest again. “God, I’ve been so miserable without you.”

“Why didn’t you come talk to me?”

“I wanted to, but…” She huffs, looking up at me again. “Honestly? I don’t like being wrong. And when it comes to me and you, I’m not used to being in this position.”

I scoff, tickling her sides as she writhes in my grip. “Wow. You saying you’re always right and I’m always wrong?”

She’s still laughing, shoving my hands away from her ribs, but then she curls up in my arms even more. “See? I even suck at apologizing.”

I kiss her hair, my smile impenetrable. It doesn’t matter now that she’s in my arms. Nothing else matters.

“You don’t need to apologize, Cassie. You are right — it was him who made a move on you. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Except trust him. And decide that having a friendship with him was more important than making sure you were okay.”

She throws my words from that night back at me, and I sigh, holding her tighter. “I know you didn’t mean it that way, though.”

“I didn’t. But it doesn’t change the fact that I hurt you.”

I nod, falling quiet for a moment.

“You know, I love that your heart is so big. I love that you forgave him, even after what he did to you, that you wanted to have a friendship with him. I’ve always loved those things about you. If they weren’t a part of you, you definitely wouldn’t put up with my sorry ass.”

She giggles, and the sound makes me want to throw my hands up and rejoice that she’s still mine.

“I’m sorry I lost my shit and hit him. I just…” I shake my head, and then shake her gently. “I go mad when it comes to you. I can’t lose you. I can’t live without you.”

Cassie peers up at me, her eyes big and soft. “You know, for once, it was me who messed up. You’re supposed to let me apologize, but you’re stealing all my thunder.”

I laugh. “Okay. I’m listening.”

She sits up and shimmies out of my embrace, facing me completely. “I’m so sorry I dug my heels in about being friends with him. I was holding onto something I shouldn’t have. The truth is, I loved Grayson.”

Bile hits my throat, but I swallow it down.

“Did being the keyword there. I guess there was a part of me that hoped I could have it all… a relationship with you and a friendship with him. But I was wrong. I should have known his intentions. And even if those intentions were pure, the fact that it hurt you for me to be with him should have mattered more than anything.” She grabs my hands in hers, lifting my knuckles to her lips. “You matter more than anything to me. And I’m sorry I didn’t prove that with my actions. But I will now. I will for as long as you’ll have me.”

At that, I bark out a laugh, shaking my head and pulling her into me. “You’re crazy if you think I’d ever let you go.”

She melts into my arms as I press my lips to hers, and the kiss is a seal of that promise, one I’ll continue making over and over again, no matter what shit we go through.

Because if there’s anything I know, it’s that Cassie McBee is it for me. She always has been. She always will be.

And I’ll weather any storm I have to to fight for our love.

“Has he…” I swallow. “Has Grayson talked to you since…”

Cassie scoffs. “Hell no. I mean, he tried reaching out, but I blocked his number and went to Professor Drumm to explain the situation. He told me I can finish out the semester on my own in lab. And Grayson can do the same.”

Tags: Kandi Steiner Romance