Stolen By the Pack

An Omega raised as a normal human girl...



Something never felt right with me.

I have to take these mysterious pills my mother gave me.

Until one night, my life turns upside down when my parents reveal the truth about me.

That I was an omega.

When I feel my heat coming on, I start to panic.

…and maybe throwing away the mystery pills wasn’t such a good idea after all.



I’m on a mission to find the lost virgin omega. To return her to Howl’s Edge immediately.

When I lay eyes on her, I want to claim her. And my pack wants her too.

But she’s not ours.

Tiana's feisty, and I can’t keep my eyes off her, especially when she goes into heat during the cruise ship wedding.

She’s stranded with me. And my pack of alphas.

Either we mate with her, or she’ll die.