Bully Me (Willow Heights Prep Academy: The Elite 1)

The three Darling cousins, each one more cruel and gorgeous than the last, rule the halls of Willow Heights like kings.

None is worse than Devlin Darling, who makes it his personal mission to ruin his rivals.

Starting with me.

The Darling family owns Faulkner and everyone in it. They're not happy with our new money moving into their small southern town, where they've held all the wealth, power, and privilege for generations. Their sons are the town's royalty, and they aren't about to give up their thrones to my brothers.

On my first day at the town's elite prep school, I'm given one piece of advice. "Don't make waves, and you might survive."

Fine by me. I just want to keep my head down and start over in a school where no one knows my name or my secrets. When I make the mistake of crossing Devlin Darling, that dream is shattered. Suddenly, I'm an unwilling player in his twisted games, and everyone is watching. Waiting for Devlin to break me and bring me to my knees.

Too bad I don't kneel for anyone.