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She grinned. “It was perfect. Do you know that of the four of us, only one was born in an actual hospital? We swear that Dillon was switched at birth with one of the other babies. No one could ever figure out where he came from. ”

“I just hope you don’t have any crazy ideas of giving birth in the middle of nowhere,” he said with a scowl.

She laughed and squeezed him again. “Oh no. I’m afraid I’m too fond of modern technology. And pain relief! I want to be surrounded by nurses and doctors and the guy giving the epidural. ”

He kissed her brow and his expression eased. “That’s good because I want only the best for you and our child when the time comes. ”

Her entire heart squeezed ridiculously until she felt near to exploding. How could she possibly be this happy when just days ago she’d been miserable? She wanted to pinch herself, but if this was a dream, she was so not ready to wake up yet.

“Come on,” she said, pulling at his hand. “Let’s go walk down to the stream. I’ll pick some flowers for Lily. She loves flowers. She’s an artist, you know. She once drew me a picture of the meadow and gave it to me. It’s so awesome. ”

Max smiled as she dragged him to the fence. “You love this place, don’t you, Callie?”

She stopped with one leg slung over the wooden slats. “It’s my most favorite place in the world. ”

There was a hint of sadness in his eyes as he stared back at her. But then he blinked and it was gone. He put his hand out to stop her progress and then he hopped the fence with ease. He reached back and hoisted her over, then laced his fingers with hers once more.

“Let’s go see your meadow, dolcezza. I’m happy to spend as much time here as you like. ”

She went up on tiptoe to kiss him. “Thank you, Max. I love you so much. ”

He caught her chin and turned her toward his mouth. “And I love you. ”

She smiled as she pulled away and then she dropped his hand and took off at a run. “Come on!” she called over her shoulder. “Last one there gets a spanking. ”

Max’s laughter followed her as she ran full tilt down the hill toward the bubbling creek. She knew he’d catch her—which was the point. Max was an adventurous guy, but no way he’d allow her to spank him.

He caught her just a few feet from the stream. He likely lagged behind just to give her false hope. He smacked her on the ass and then sped by, reaching the stream a mere three feet in front of her.

She stopped and bent, sucking in deep breaths. Damn the man, he didn’t even look winded and she was on the verge of puking.

“You did that on purpose,” she accused.

“What?” he asked innocently.

“Waited until the last minute to catch me. ”

He grinned. “You don’t seriously think I’m going to pass on any opportunity to spank that pretty ass of yours, do you?”

“You wouldn’t be laughing if you’d screwed up and I beat you. ”

He chuckled again. “If anyone could ever get away with spanking me, dolcezza, it would be you. But no. I’ll be the only one dishing out spankings in this relationship. ”

She turned her lip down into a pout, knowing it would delight him.

He pulled her to him and nibbled at her bottom lip as she knew he would.

“I can guarantee you’ll enjoy the spankings every bit as much as I will. ”

Chapter Twenty-Three

“I can’t believe we’re staying here again,” Max said as he dropped their bags on the floor of the same motel room where he’d spent so many days. “Shhh,” Callie said, shushing him with her hand. “I’m calling Mom. ”

Max shut the door with a sigh, trudged over to the bed and plopped down on the edge. Then with a dramatic flair he fell back, arms outstretched, and closed his eyes.

Callie laughed and put the phone back to her ear. “Hey Mom!”

“Callie! Where are you? I’ve been so worried. I can’t say it’s not like you to run off at a moment’s notice, but you have to admit, the circumstances were different this time. ”

“I’m fine, Mom. Promise. I wanted to let you know that Max and I are back in town. I was hoping to bring him up to meet you soon. ”

“Of course. We can’t wait to meet him, sweetie. When did you want to come up? Where are you staying? You know there’s plenty of room here. ”

“Uhh. ” Not that she minded being at her parents’, but no way did she want her and Max staying there. It would put a serious crimp in their sex life. “Anytime is good for us. The sooner the better. And we’re fine. Really. Max has a room at the motel. ”

“Oh Callie. That motel is horrible. ”

“We’re good, Mom. Now when do you want us up?”

“Tomorrow. Definitely tomorrow. I’ll have your dads fix a nice dinner. No, maybe lunch is better. Let’s plan on lunch and then we can spend the afternoon getting to know Max. ”

“That sounds great. We’ll come up around eleven. ”

“Terrific. We’ll see you then. ”

“Thanks, Mom. ”


Callie put the phone back to her ear. “Yes?”

“Are you happy?”

Callie smiled until her teeth ached. “Yeah, Mom. I’m happier than I ever imagined. ”

“That’s all I care about, then. ”

“I love you, Mom. ”

“Love you too, baby. See you tomorrow. ”

Callie hung up and turned to see Max watching her from the bed.

“They want us up for lunch tomorrow. The entire family will be there. I have no doubt my mom is even now on the phone rounding up the rest of her brood and issuing orders to be there or die. ”

Max chuckled. “She sounds like a tyrant. I wonder where on earth you got your personality from. ”

Callie flopped down beside him and hit him with a pillow. “My mom is the sweetest person on earth, but yes, she still rules the roost with a velvet fist. ”

Max wrapped his arms around her and then pulled her across his lap before she had time to respond. His hand settled on her jeans-covered ass and his laughter sounded wicked in her ear.

“Now, it seems I owe you a spanking. ”

She went limp and white-hot desire sizzled through her body, prickling her skin. It amazed her how instantly aware she became around this man. A word. A touch. Just a look and she was putty in his hands.

“Better make sure I don’t scream,” she muttered. “My brother’s the sheriff, remember? Last thing I want is him breaking down our door because someone reported that I was being murdered in a hotel room. ”

Max rubbed his hand over her behind. “Oh you’ll enjoy this one, dolcezza. I know I plan to. ”

Callie was a nervous wreck. Why, she didn’t know. This was only one of the most important days of her entire life. Her family, who meant the world to her, was going to meet and stand in judgment of the man she loved more than anything.

Yeah, good reason to be nervous.

Tags: Maya Banks Colters Legacy Erotic