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If only she hadn’t poured out her hurt to her family. If she’d only waited…they wouldn’t be coming into the meeting with Max with prejudice.

She sighed. Woe be unto the man who hurt her dads’ little girl. Her brothers weren’t much better. They’d probably all glower at Max the entire time.

“Quit biting your lip, dolcezza. You’re going to ruin that pretty mouth of yours. ”

She glanced over to see Max studying her. He’d insisted on taking his car to her parents’, and she hadn’t argued. She wanted Max to feel comfortable and on equal footing.

“I’m just…nervous. ”

“Yes, I can see that. You need to stop worrying so much. Your parents will see how madly in love I am with you. Isn’t that what every parent wants for their child? Someone to love them and take care of them?”

It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him that her family knew everything, but that would only make Max uptight and there was no sense in them both be

ing on edge. Besides, Max probably knew. He knew how close she was to her family, and she and Max had been apart for several months. Who wouldn’t have come home and told their family what a scumbag he was?

By the time they pulled into her parents’ drive, Callie’s stomach was in knots. She rubbed her damp palms down the legs of her pants as Max parked beside her mom’s SUV.

She didn’t have long to contemplate whether she wanted to get out because her mom appeared on the porch, a wide smile on her face. Before Callie had her door opened, Holly Colter was down the steps and hurrying toward the vehicle.

Thank goodness for Max. He was out with a warm smile and hand outstretched while Callie still hung halfway out of the car.

“Hello, Mrs. Colter. I’m Max. It’s nice to finally meet you. ”

Callie stumbled out as her mom enfolded Max in a warm hug.

“Hello, Max. And please, do call me Holly. It’s wonderful to meet you too. ”

“Hi Mom. ”

Holly turned to Callie and just as quickly pulled her into a bone-crushing hug.

“Mom,” Callie said with a laugh. “You just saw me a few days ago. ”

Holly pulled back with a muttered hmph. “I don’t care if it’s only been a few hours. I’m entitled to be happy to see you. I have to make up for all the time you spend from home. ”

Callie hugged her again and all her unease melted away in her mother’s embrace.

Holly pulled back and then grabbed at Callie’s and Max’s hands. “Come on inside, you two. Your dads are waiting to meet Max, Callie. ”

Callie smiled over at Max who wore an expression that looked like a cross of awe and confusion. Holly dragged them both toward the door and all but shoved them through.

Ethan stood in the living room. Though he opened his arms for Callie, he looked at Max with an indecipherable expression on his face.

“Be good,” Callie whispered as she hugged her dad.

Ethan kissed her cheek and then extended his hand to Max. “I’m Ethan Colter, one of Callie’s dads. ”

“Max Wilder,” Max said as he shook Ethan’s hand.

One down, two to go.

“Where are the other dads?” Callie asked.

“In the kitchen. You and Max get comfortable. I’ll go get them,” Holly said.

Callie perched on the couch next to Max and laced her fingers through his.

“Isn’t it me who should be nervous?” Max murmured. “Relax, Callie. I’m pretty sure they won’t threaten to kick your ass. ”

Callie burst into laughter, which caused Ethan to raise an eyebrow in their direction.

Just then Holly returned with Adam and Ryan in tow. Predictably, both dads’ faces were set in stone. Callie rose and when their gazes alighted on her, they softened and warmth entered their eyes.

She hugged Adam first and then went into Ryan’s arms. He squeezed her tight and then pulled her to his side as both dads stared Max down.

“Stop,” Callie hissed. “Give him a chance. ”

With a grunt, Ryan disentangled himself from Callie and closed the distance between him and Max. He stuck out his hand. “Ryan Colter. Glad to meet you. ”

Max shook his hand and then extended it in Adam’s direction. “Glad to meet you, sir. ”

“Where is everyone else?” Callie asked, breaking the silence. “Are they coming?”

Holly nodded. “They’re on their way. Why don’t you come help me in the kitchen a moment, Callie?”

Callie’s mouth popped open. Ethan tried hard to suppress a smile but failed miserably. Holly frowned at them both and then tucked Callie’s hand into her own and pulled her toward the kitchen.

“So, Max, tell us about yourself,” Ryan said.

Holly shoved Callie into the kitchen so she heard no more.

“Subtle, Mom. Real subtle. ”

Holly scowled at her daughter. “Better to let your dads interrogate Max without you in the room. Let them do their male bonding or beating their chest or whatever it is they do and we’ll sit in here and have a glass of tea. ”

“Poor Max,” Callie sighed.

“He looks quite able to handle anything your fathers throw at him. ”

“Soooo, what do you think?” Callie asked.

Holly plunked down on a barstool and her eyes sparkled as she looked back at Callie. “He’s gorgeous, Callie! And the way he looks at you. There’s no doubt he cares a lot about you. ”

“He loves me,” Callie said softly. “And I love him. ”

“So you’ve worked things out?”

Callie nodded. “Yeah. We’re getting there. ”

Holly reached for her wrists and turned them over as she stared at the silver bands. “What are these? They’re beautiful. So feminine and delicate looking!”

Callie’s cheeks warmed. How could she possibly explain their significance to her mother?

“Max bought them for me,” she said in a low voice.

Tags: Maya Banks Colters Legacy Erotic