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Before Zane steps through the door, I give him a command I probably shouldn’t. “Tell Russell to take the afternoon off. Rest of the staff, too. That includes you.”

A sliver of a smile reaches his lips. I recognize it for what it is. Satisfaction. He gets what he wants, after all. He gets his revenge on Lina, trusting my uncontrollable jealousy and possessiveness where she’s concerned to take care of it. He nods as he hurries to execute my order.

Standing at the top of the stairs, I watch them go. When the door closes behind Zane, I go in search of Lina and find her in our bedroom. The door is open. She doesn’t hear me enter. She stands in front of the window like a statue, staring through it with no telling what’s going on in her mind.

“Lina.” She jumps. “Undress.”

She gives me a startled look. “What?”

“You heard me.”


“It will be unwise to make me tell you again.”

She knows I’ll tear the flimsy dress off if I have to. Holding my eyes with questions in hers, questions I’ll soon answer while demanding some answers of my own, she steps out her sandals, unzips the dress, and lets it fall at her feet.

“Underwear too.”

Her gaze drops to my groin. “Do you want me to…?”

“You can’t say it, can you?” I taunt. “No, I don’t want you to swallow my cock. It’s too soon.”

“Then what?” she whispers. “If you’re thinking of doing that to me—”

“Say it.”

Defiance sets her shoulders straight. “If you’re thinking of going down on me, I’ll remind you I’m having my period.”

Fuck. Hearing her say it makes me hard. “No threat of that either.” I flick my fingers. “Underwear. Now.”

She regards me curiously while discarding her bra and thong, no doubt wondering what I have planned for her. I don’t make her wait to find out.

“Go to my study.”

The color vanishes from her cheeks.

“Now, Lina.”

She glances beyond me at the open door.

“I gave the staff the afternoon off. No one will see you.”

She swallows. “Why? What did I do wrong?”

Stepping aside, I indicate she should go ahead of me. Her tread is light, cautious, her naked body a tableau of perfection marred with a purple stain that blooms like a flower on her hip. The meaning of that stain seeps under my skin, reminding me of Zane’s accusation. She tried to seduce me.

Looking over her shoulder at me, she asks, “Why did you send everyone away?”

“You know why.”


She hesitates on the threshold to the study, but I’m flush against her back. There’s no way but forward. Inside, she hugs herself, watching me as I close the space between us. I’m not sure if it’s a gesture of comforting herself or hiding her breasts from me.

Gently, I swipe her hair over her shoulders. Her skin is smooth and soft under my palms. Perfect. “Did you trespass in Zane’s bathroom?”

She sucks in a breath. “He told you.”

“What were you doing in his bathroom?”

“What did he tell you?”

“I’m asking you.”


I drag my thumb along her shoulder, tracing the arch of her neck. “Speak in full sentences.”

Goosebumps break out over her skin. “Yes, I was in his bathroom.”

Slowly, I caress the line of her jaw. “That’s not what I asked.”

Fear sparks in her eyes, eyes the color of a sinful night, even as she holds my gaze bravely. “I was looking for something.”

“What were you looking for?”

“It’s not important.”

“Mm.” I cup her jaw, letting her warmth sink into my palm. “Let’s try a different question. What were you wearing?”

“I just got back from the pool.”

“What were you wearing, Lina?”

Her voice turns a little hoarse. Uncertain. Fearful. “My bikini.”

I rub a strand of her hair between my fingers. Soft like silk. “Your bikini.”

“And a wrap.”

“Now we’re getting somewhere.” I stroke her hair gently. “Let’s try this one again. What were you looking for?”


“Nothing.” Running my fingers down her back, I caress each fragile vertebra. “How did you get the bruise on your hip?”

She watches me unfalteringly, her huge eyes trained on mine. “Zane shoved me. I hit my hip on the basin.”

It takes an extra big effort to tamp down the fury the mental image conjures. “Why did he shove you?”

“I shouldn’t have been there.”

I continue my exploration until I reach her buttocks. Cupping her globes, I trace the bruise on her hip with my thumb. “What trade did you suggest for the nothing you were looking for?”


“You offered nothing for nothing. Is that what you expect me to believe?”

“What do you want me to say?”

Letting go of her, I walk to the desk, retrieve the brown envelope from the false bottom of the drawer, and drop it on the corner in her line of sight. “Is this what you were looking for?”

Her pretty eyes go wide as she fixes them on the envelope.

Tags: Charmaine Pauls Erotic