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Never. I want to make her straddle my face and eat her out just to feel how alive she is. Then I want to make her take my cock in her mouth again, but her throat must still be raw. Besides, she’s as badly shaken as what I am, even if she’s not showing it. My girl is strong, much stronger than I ever imagined, and it doesn’t make sense. She’s not the weak, crazy person Dalton’s doctors made her out to be. The more I get to know Lina, the less the medical reports make sense.

It’s not a subject I’d normally breach unprepared and without warning, but maybe because I could’ve lost her so easily, I throw it at her. “Tell me about your time at Willowbrook.”

Her face goes blank. It’s like a portrait that changes from reserved to closed-off right in front of me.

Her voice is steady and strong. Nothing in her tone gives away any tension, but the sudden dullness of her eyes, as if she’s disconnected herself from the moment, betrays her. “I don’t talk about that.”

“Why not?”

“It’s in the past. There’s nothing to say.”

She jumped from a window. She went on a hunger strike. There must be plenty to say. From what’s been written in the media, Dalton and Clarke doted on her. The men in her life treated her like a princess. Why would a princess lock herself up in a tower, only to mutilate herself and try to take her own life?

“I’d like to go now,” she whispers.

I prefer to hold her, to smother her until I feel calmer, but she’s suffered enough for one day. With a small nod, I hand her the parcel. She grabs it and all but flees from the room. She’s barely gone when Zane enters.

“He’s gone,” he says. “Anne is driving him to a hotel.”

For the first time, my tone is hostile with Zane. “That was quick.”

“There wasn’t much to pack.”

“He belongs in a retirement home where he can be watched twenty-four seven, not in a hotel.”

“We’re looking into it.”

“I hope for his sake Anne is staying with him.” Not that Andries is my concern, any longer.

“About what happened—”

“If it happens again, you’re as dead as the person threatening Lina. I’m holding you responsible.”

“You said you wouldn’t allow this.”

“Allow what?”

“For her to come between us.”

“She’s my wife. I’ve asked you before, and I’m going to ask you again. This time think carefully before you answer. Do you have a problem with Lina being my wife?”

“You’re pussy-whacked.”

Choosing to ignore that, I repeat, “Do you have a problem with Lina being my wife?”

“Everything I do, I do out of respect for you. Friendship. Loyalty. The fresh flowers in the entrance every day… Do you ever thank me? Do you ever notice? Do you see the hours I’m putting into running this house, the effort I’m making with the garden? Do you? No. All you notice is your new toy, your wife, and she’s making you blind, because you don’t see what’s right in front of you.”

Swinging back my arm, I take a punch at his face. The blow falls on his cheek, making him stumble a step. He’s good with his fists. I want him to give me a fight. I need this to blow off steam, but he only stands there, knowing I won’t fight a man who doesn’t fight back.

“Come on, Zane. Give it to me.”

“Fine, Dami. You want me to give it to you? How about a nice slice of truth? How about the fact that Lina tried to seduce me?”

The fight leaves my body. A different kind of anger-infused adrenaline rushes through my veins. She wouldn’t. She knows he’s gay. That doesn’t mean she didn’t try, the devil whispers in my ear.

“That’s right,” he continues, giving me a snide smile. “She came into my bathroom, half naked, offering me her body in exchange for the evidence against Harold.”

Rage threatens to consume me. I can’t speak under the weight of it.

“She threw herself at me, so much so I had to push her away. She slipped and hit her hip against the basin. Ask her to show you the bruise if you don’t believe me.”

“Enough,” I grit out, unable to bear the mental images tormenting my mind.

“I didn’t tell you, because I didn’t want you to hurt her.”

Carefully, I bottle my rage, pushing it underneath the polished veneer of fake calm. I’ll let it explode later, when I have every single gritty detail of the facts. “Why tell me now?”

“Because I care more about our friendship than what happens to her.”

Getting into his personal space, I lower my voice. “One more mark on her body, no matter what she did, and you move into that hotel with your pops. Got it?”

A pained look comes over his face. He doesn’t answer, but backtracks to the door, watching me like I’ve done him an injustice. Maybe I’m wrong in this. Maybe I’m wrong in hurting Zane’s feelings, but Lina comes first. Always. If anyone’s to put a mark on her body, it’s me. I should keep away from her until I’ve got a handle on my emotions, especially after what happened with Andries, but my anger burns too high.

Tags: Charmaine Pauls Erotic