Page 58 of Always You

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“Please, Star. I was angry, hurt. I know I was wrong to walk away. Give me a chance to explain.”

“I don’t want to hear it, Damian. You hurt me. I’ve hurt you. Let’s just call it quits and leave it at that. I can’t do this anymore. I have Skylar to think about.”

“I can see that – and Christian, it seems,” Damian muttered.

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Star asked incredulously.

“It means you’ve let him into your and Skylar’s life without a pause.” Damian said hotly.

“He’s Skylar’s father! I’m doing what I feel is best for my daughter, not that it’s any of your business!”

“Really, that’s not how it’s felt for the last two months when we were doing things together as a family. When you were sleeping in my bed. Or has Christian taken that position, too?”

Star’s hand struck out before she could stop herself, the crack of her hand hitting Damian’s cheek resounding off the walls. A look of shock crossed Star’s face.

Damian looked at her, his expression hard, his cheek reddening before her eyes.

“Sorry,” she whispered, but Damian turned and walked away, passing Christian on the driveway. Christian went to greet him but stopped at the look Damian shot his way.

Heading to the doorway, Christian took one look at Star and realised something was wrong. “Are you okay?”

Star brushed away the traitorous tear that had escaped. “I’m fine. Skylar, Daddy’s here,” she shouted up the stairs.

Christian put a hand on her arm and pulled her round to face him, “You don’t look fine.”

“Maybe not,” she said giving him a watery smile, “But I will be.”

Skylar came flying down the stairs and threw herself at her father, who scooped her up into his arms. “Are you all ready?” he said, shielding Star while she wiped her face.

“Yes, Daddy. Can you push me on the swings? I want to see how high I can go.”

“Of course. Say goodbye to Mummy and we’ll see her later.”

Star gave Skylar a big hug, reminding her to be good and stay with Christian. Shutting the door behind them, Star sank to the ground, an animalistic howl escaping her lips before she could stop it.

Arms encircled her, lifting her from the ground. She knew it had to be Toby. A few moments later, she felt softness beneath her, but she curled herself into a tight ball.

She had done the right thing sending Damian away. Who did he think he was? He had no rights. They didn’t need him in their lives. But if that was the case, why did it hurt so much, and why did she feel like she’d lost Lily all over again.


Christian returned Skylar several hours later. Star had managed to pull herself together, Laura and Toby giving her the space she needed. The hollow feeling she had inside had not left her; she knew she was grieving but she also knew that, like before, she would recover and come out stronger.

Christian had come in to speak with Toby. He clearly knew something was amiss, but had not pried, for which Star was grateful.

A half an hour later, Christian and Toby emerged from Toby’s office. Christian gave Skylar a hug goodbye and pulled Star in for a brotherly hug, “If you need anything, let me know,” he whispered in her ear before letting her go.

They’d begun to develop a strong relationship over the past few weeks, one that a brother and sister shared. Christian had been Lily’s love, and Star could understand why. He was charming and friendly with a kind and generous streak. She now understood the power his father had over him and how he had extracted himself over the years.

Star knew the power her own mother wielded and how years of being undermined had left its mark on her soul and confidence. It was only after the birth of Skylar and her need to protect an innocent child that she had broken away, but the previous years had still affected her.

It was evening before Toby pulled Star to one side. She’d just put Skylar to bed and was about to retire herself. She didn’t fancy discussing her earlier breakdown; she wanted to hide in her room and lick her wounds. Toby, however, was having none of it.

“Star, can I have a word?” Toby called as she headed towards the stairs, her peppermint tea in hand.

“Sure,” Star replied, heading in the direction Toby had just gone. She entered his office to find him by his desk, a document in his hand. “What can I do for you?”

“It’s not for me,” Toby said, handing her the document he had in his hand. “Christian had me draw up this document. He wanted to make this legal.”

Tags: Zoe Dod Erotic