Page 57 of Always You

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“No, nothing.” Star sniffed. “He’s gone. It’s time for me to get back on with my life.”

Star cried on her friend’s shoulder, deciding this was the last time she was going to shed a tear for Damian Hunt. She loved him, she always would, but it was time she put him in the past and moved on with her life. With the new project, she knew she would finally have enough money available for her and Skylar to find their own place nearby. Tobias and Laura wouldn’t like it, but she needed to do this for herself. She needed to go back to her original plan.


Over the next three weeks, Star threw herself back into work and motherhood, pushing Damian from her mind. Christian had become a constant fixture at weekends, but proved himself to be a hands-on dad, helping with homework, reading, and even Skylar’s latest project. He even proved himself a dab hand in the kitchen, cooking a meal for everyone with Skylar’s help, as well as adhering to the household rules that everything had its place, and the kitchen must be kept tidy.

Lucas and Mary invited Skylar and Star round to see the puppies, who would soon be heading to their new homes. Skylar talked nonstop about Christian and there were several glances between Mary and Lucas that set Star’s nerves on edge.

“Are you sure Christian is above board?” Mary asked when she got Star alone, making Star’s skin prickle.

“He appears to be,” Star said vaguely, not wanting to discuss Christian with Mary or Lucas.

“You haven’t done this just for the firm, have you,” Lucas said coming into the room.

“No! I’ve done this for Skylar,” Star said, feeling her stomach and chest start to bubble at their questioning.

“I wanted to check, because you didn’t need to.”

“Lucas, this has nothing to do with the firm and everything to do with my daughter’s father. I am a grown woman and can make decisions for myself. Please accept that.”

“We’re sorry, dear,” Mary said. “We are just worried about you.”

“Well, you don’t need to be. Skylar and I are fine.”

Mary rubbed her arm, the pair dropping the subject, and moving on to the puppies and the new homes they were heading to.

Star headed home later that afternoon. She had things to do before Christian arrived. He had asked if he could take them out to dinner. Star had declined for herself, but felt it was time that Christian had some time alone with his daughter. If this was going to work, she knew she needed to start to let go.

Star jumped as the doorbell rang. Christian was early, although that was not unusual. “Don’t worry, Mummy, I’ll get it,” Skylar shouted as she thundered down the hallway.

Star stepped out of the kitchen into the hall. She didn’t allow Skylar to open the door unless they knew who it was, and as they weren’t expecting anyone and the mailman had already delivered, Star was pretty certain it was Christian.

“Damian!” came the excited scream from the doorway. Skylar launched herself into his arms. “I’ve missed you,” she said.

“I’ve missed you, too,” Damian said, bending down and scooping her into his arms. Star’s body froze at the sound of his voice.

“Mummy! It’s Damian – he’s back,” Skylar yelled, not realising Star was behind her.

Star’s eyes locked with Damian’s, a traitorous warmth spreading through her body pooling at her core. Would she ever get over this man?

“I can see that, sweetheart,” Star said, her eyes never leaving Damian’s. “Why don’t you go and get ready – Daddy will be here in a moment.”

Skylar hugged Damian before saying, “My daddy found me, Damian. He’s going to take me to the park,” she whispered, her voice unable to hide the excitement she was feeling, before wriggling out of his grasp. Damian let her go and watched as she ran off up the stairs.

“Why are you here, Damian?” Star said as she struggled to keep the pain out of her voice.

Damian’s eyes returned to hers. “I wanted to see you.”

“Well, you’ve seen me,” Star said.

“Don’t be like that,” Damian said, touching her arm.

Star shrugged him off. “Like what, Damian? Dismissive? Short? Rude? How would you like me to be, Damian? You’ve ignored me for the past four weeks and you just waltz up to my front door and expect me to welcome you back into my life as if nothing has happened. You turned me out of your office and left the country without a backward glance. Sorry to disappoint, but that’s not how this works.”

“I just want to talk, I’ve done a lot of thinking,” Damian said.

“Talk. I tried to talk to you four weeks ago and you shut me out. If you’ve been thinking, I’m pleased for you. I’ve done some thinking of my own and I’d like for you to leave. Christian will be here in a minute to collect Skylar and I have things to get ready.” Star moved to shut the door, but Damian blocked it with his foot.

Tags: Zoe Dod Erotic