Page 56 of Always You

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Skylar opened her presents while Star put the kettle on. Skylar was squealing at the American Girl doll and accessories that Christian had bought her.

“Mummy, look what Daddy has bought me! He has bought me the ‘Doll of the Year’ and all the bits that go with her,” Skylar said, hugging Christian before rushing to share her bounty with Star.

A warm sense of relief spread through her as Skylar came to share her joy. She had to remember she would always be her mummy and nothing could take that position away from her.

Skylar ran off to get her other favourite doll, leaving Christian and Star alone together in the living room.

“I wasn’t sure what to get her,” he said, staring wide-eyed after his daughter. “She is so beautiful … She looks so like Lily,” his voice caught.

Star laughed. “I think you’re safe, that was a complete hit,” she said, resting a hand on his shoulder as she handed him his coffee.

“You’ve done an amazing job in raising her; I’m sorry I’ve not been around.”

Star’s eyes shot to the door. “No more talk of that – it’s ancient history. I’m only interested in what happens going forward.”

“I am, too. I want to be part of her life if you will let me?” Christian asked.

“I think Skylar has the final say, but the way she has been today, I think she will want you in her life.”

“I hope so,” Christian said as Skylar came flying back into the room with her favourite doll. She also carried her scrapbook.

“Daddy, would you like to see my scrapbook,” Skylar said jumping onto the sofa next to him and snuggling into his side. Christian wrapped his arm around her shoulder as she placed the book on his knee and her doll by her side.

“So, what’s in your scrapbook?” Christian asked, his attention once again focused on Skylar.

“This is my scrapbook,” she told him. “I had to make it for school. It’s lots of pictures of me from birth until now.”

Christian’s eyes flashed to Star, who watched him swallow. “I’d love to see your scrapbook.”

Star watched as he fought his emotions at the pictures of Lily holding Skylar, and the ones of her next to the incubator, her illness and fragility clear for everyone to see. It was in those moments Star came to realise that everything Christian had explained was true. He hadn’t chosen to leave Lily; He had clearly loved her; he just hadn’t been strong enough. Star hurt for the pair of them. Love was so easily shattered.

Christian stayed for most of the day, and they took Skylar to the park and out for a Chinese, where Christian taught her how to use chopsticks. Skylar wanted to show her daddy everything she could. When the time came for him to leave, Skylar cried, but Christian promised he would be back and that he would always be a part of her life now he had found her.

Christian pulled Star into a hug before he left, “Thank you,” he whispered into her ear, the emotion he was feeling clear in his voice.

Star felt her own voice catch as she hugged him tighter. “You’re welcome. She’s a special little girl and she deserves all the love she can get.”


Laura and Toby had returned halfway through the afternoon, the car loaded with equipment and baby items. Skylar had shown Laura her new doll and accessories, promising she would share it with the baby when it arrived, as long as the baby was careful with it. Skylar had fallen asleep on the sofa, having exhausted herself talking. Star had carried her to bed, easing her out of her best dress and slipping on her nightgown. She was so tired; she had barely stirred.

Laura and Toby waited for Star in the living room. “That seemed to go well,” Laura said.

“It did – they hit it off almost straight away,” Star replied.

“But?” Laura questioned.

“No buts … I think he’s genuine and I think he will now be a part of her life. Blood is thicker than water. They share so many mannerisms – it was interesting to watch them together. I see so much of Lily in her, but I could also see Christian today,” Star said with a sigh.

“You aren’t going to lose her, Star, she loves you. You are her mummy. No one can take that away from you and I don’t get the impression that’s what Christian wants.”

“No, I agree with you, but it’s going to be hard to share her with someone else,” Star said honestly. “But I know it’s what Lily would have wanted.”

“Hold on a minute – this isn’t about what Lily would or wouldn’t want, Star. You are her mummy and you have been for the past six years. It has to be what you want too,” Laura said, looking at her friend.

“No, what I want, is what is best for Skylar. Her daddy being in her life is always going to be the best thing for her. I need to let it go. I’m just an emotional wreck at the moment,” Star said as tears started to track their way down her cheeks. The more she swept them away, the faster they fell. Laura moved closer, pulling her friend into her arms.

“Still no news from Damian?” she asked.

Tags: Zoe Dod Erotic