Page 55 of Always You

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The next morning when Star awoke, she was surprised that Skylar wasn’t already up and about. Having tossed and turned for a large portion of the night, she felt far from refreshed, but knew that her daughter’s excitement would help get her through today.

Star crept into Skylar’s room, expecting her daughter to be asleep, only to find her sat at her desk surrounded by paper and glue.

“Good morning, munchkin,” she said.

“Good morning, Mummy,” Skylar said, not looking up, her tongue poking out from between her lips as she manoeuvred tissue paper on the cardboard in front of her.

“What are you doing?” Star squatted down next to her daughter, holding the card in place as it lifted off the desk, stuck to Skylar’s finger.

“I’m making a card,” she said, holding up a 3D card that popped out as she opened and closed it. “Mrs Robinson showed me how to make this at after-school club. I thought it would be nice to give Daddy a card.”

“That’s such a lovely idea, I’m sure your daddy will love it.” Star dropped a kiss on top of her head and headed to the door. “Pancakes will be ready in ten minutes.”

Star just hoped Christian would appreciate what a gem he was letting into his life.

Pancakes and tidy up took longer than expected. Laura and Toby had joined them, everyone feeding off Skylar’s energy.

Star breathed a sigh of relief when at nine fifty-five the doorbell rang. She didn’t know how many more times she could respond to Skylar’s “How much longer?” questions.

Skylar ran to the door but froze before she opened it. She waited for Star to join her, shooting her looks of panic. Star took her hand in hers and gave it a gentle squeeze before opening the door.

Christian stood in the doorway with an armload of presents. Skylar had moved to stand behind her, peeping round Star’s side, but staying silent. Christian smiled at her, causing her to grip Star’s hand even tighter. Stepping back and trying not to squash Skylar, Star welcomed him into the house. “Come on in, Christian.”

“Thank you,” he said, stepping through the door, allowing Star to close it behind him. “Hi, you must be Skylar, I’m Christian,” he said, kneeling down in front of Star and looking at his daughter.

Star could see the raw emotion crossing his face as he stared at his daughter for the first time.

Skylar looked at Star, confused. “I thought you said this was my daddy?”

“He is,” Star said with a frown.

“Then why did he call himself Christian?” she said in a loud stage whisper.

Star and Christian laughed. “Shall I start again,” Christian said. “Hi Skylar, I’m your daddy and I’m so happy to finally meet you.”

A grin spread across Skylar’s face and she rushed forwards, throwing her arms around his neck, sending presents flying as he caught her. Christian hugged his daughter close, tears welling up in his eyes as he held on to this miracle.

Looking up at her father’s face, Skylar wiped away the tear that had escaped. “Don’t cry, Daddy. You’ve found me now,” she said, taking his hand and leading him further into the house, the presents he had bought forgotten on the floor. He looked at Star in panic, and she smiled and ushered him forward, bending down to collect the presents and the flowers that had been abandoned.

Laura and Toby were sitting at the island in the kitchen when Christian entered. “Uncle Toby, Aunty Laura, look – my daddy is here.”

Laura and Toby stood and shook hands with Christian. Toby had already spoken to Christian a number of times on the telephone, reiterating that Star was Skylar’s parent, and whatever his plans, they had to fit in first and foremost with her. Christian had been incredibly receptive, thanking Toby for caring, and ensuring him that his intentions were good and that he simply wanted the chance to get to know his daughter.

After everyone had made small talk, Toby and Laura made their move. “Be good, squidge,” he said, ruffling her hair.

“Always, Uncle Toby,” she replied giving him a leg hug.

Star had told Toby and Laura they didn’t need to leave, that this was their home, but both had been adamant that they needed to buy baby furniture for the nursery.

Skylar showed Christian all her things and gave him the card she had made for him that morning. It was still sticky, but he didn’t complain, his face taut as he tried to hold back the emotion he was feeling.

“I bought you some gifts,” he said. “I’m not sure what you like, but—”

“It’s not my birthday,” Skylar said, her attention now on the wrapped presents in front of her,

“No, but I have missed quite a few birthdays, so I thought you could have these now,” Christian said. “I won’t miss any more.” He shot a look at Star.

Star simply smiled in reply. Her daughter was happy, Christian seemed happy. She was sure Lily was there, happy that Christian had finally come round and was wanting to take an active part in their daughter’s life. She had been created in love and had so much love to give. There was more than enough for Star to share.

Tags: Zoe Dod Erotic