Page 49 of Always You

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Damian picked up Star and Skylar as usual in the morning. This had become a beloved part of their daily routine. She loved the time they spent together, talking about everything and nothing on the way into work. The past couple of days, they’d been discussing ideas for the pitch to their new client. Star never saw Damian as animated as when he was deep in the throes of discussing and spinning ideas. She used his excitement as a distraction this morning to ensure that Damian didn’t pick up on her low mood. Although she had slept, she’d spent a lot of the night tossing and turning, mulling over what she was going to say to Christian this afternoon, and what his true motives were after all this time.

“So, do you want to meet in my office for lunch today?” Damian asked as they pulled into the underground car park.

“I can’t,” Star stammered, trying hard to think of an excuse.

“Oh, okay. No problem. I just wondered if you wanted to continue this discussion, plus I have something else I wanted to discuss with you,” Damian said, before adding with a laugh, “Don’t look so worried, it’s not an issue.”

“I’m sorry,” Star said quietly. “I’ve made plans with the girls to meet and do lunch today.” She and Damian were on different floors so he’d never notice when she slipped out alone.

Star stepped out of the car feeling flushed and flustered. Why had she lied? She should have just told Damian the truth.

“Damian,” she said, calling after him and making him turn.

“Yes?” he said smiling back at her, making her heart sink even further.

“It’s nothing,” she said. “Have a lovely day and I’ll see you this evening.”

They went their separate ways, still careful to keep their private life private and away from the rest of the office.

When lunchtime finally came, Star grabbed her bag and left the office, wanting to get clear of the building as fast as she could. Her stomach threatened to bring up that morning’s breakfast the closer she got to her destination.

When she entered the hotel lobby, she saw that Christian was already waiting in the far corner of the lounge. He stood up as soon as he saw her approach, motioning to a chair near him. Star tried to walk with an air of confidence that she didn’t, couldn’t feel. It was only when she looked at Christian that she realised he wasn’t faring much better than she was. There were dark circles under his eyes and his skin was much paler than the last time she had seen him, even though that had only been a couple of days ago. His blond hair was ruffled, as if he’d spent the morning running his hands through it. He looked broken, not the powerful CEO she knew him to be. Christian’s obvious discomfort helped Star to relax. Maybe this was no easier for him than it was for her.

“Thank you for coming, Star,” he said. “I honestly wasn’t sure whether you would stand me up – and if you had, I wouldn’t have blamed you.”

“I wouldn’t have done that, Christian, it isn’t my style.” Star clasped her hands in front of her, “So I’m here. What do you want to know?”

“Do you have any photos of Skylar?”

His question took Star by surprise. She’d been expecting demands, intimidation. Instead, he sat there quietly asking for a photo.

Star grabbed her phone and opened her photo app, showing him the latest picture of Skylar playing with the puppies. She handed her phone to Christian and was shocked when his eyes filled with tears. He swiped a stray one away with the back of his hand.

“If you swipe forwards, there’s a video of her playing with the puppies,” Star surprised herself by saying.

A heart melting, watery smile appeared on his face as he tried and failed to get his emotions under control. Star knew what he was seeing as Skylar’s excited voice came across the speaker and she giggled. Star had captured the moment Skylar had been attacked by all the puppies and had been giggling as they nipped at and licked her as she went to feed them. Skylar’s laugh was one of Star’s favourite things.

“She looks so happy,” Christian said, his voice clogged with emotion. He handed Star back her phone. “Thank you for sharing that.”

“Why, Christian? Why now?” Star was confused by the man who sat in front of her. A man who had turned his back on her sister and child, a man who now sat with damp cheeks, looking lost and alone.

Christian looked up and captured Star’s gaze. “I suppose you could say I’ve grown a backbone.” He laughed harshly before continuing, “I finally stood up for myself. I’ve divorced my wife, although let’s just say that it was by mutual agreement, and I’ve taken over my father’s portion of the company and have crawled out from under his shadow.”

Star’s heart sank, she had a horrible feeling she knew where this was going. Christian must have seen something in her face because he held up his hand. “Please, Star, don’t look like that. I don’t want anything from you or Skylar. I just wanted to see her with my own eyes. I let others dictate my future – take it away from me and I will have to live with that for the rest of my life.” He gave Star a half smile. “But Skylar looks happy, and for that I can only say thank you. I’ve been a terrible human being, but I want to make it right. I want to help you, if you’ll let me.”

Leaning forwards, Christian grasped Star’s hand in his. “I know it can’t have been easy for you, taking on your sister and my child when you were a student, but you did without hesitation.” He paused, looking up at the ceiling, “I want to help you, help Skylar. Let me pay you maintenance – I have more than enough money, too much. Before you stop me, Skylar is my heir and what is mine will be hers one day, that is one thing I will make sure of.”

“What?” Star said shocked. How dare he after seven years come back, cry over a photo, and then offer to throw money at the situation. Star started to stand, but Christian held onto her hand.

“Please, Star. I’m sorry, that came out wrong. I just want to help my daughter and you. I can’t take back what has happened, and I can’t change the past, but I hope I can change the future and try to make amends.”

“You broke my sister’s heart, why should I trust you or want anything from you? You stood by and let your father insult my sister and throw her out. We don’t need your help, Christian. Skylar and I are fine!”

Christian had the decency to look ashamed. “I will have to live with that for the rest of my life. What I did to Lily.” Christian’s face fell as he struggled to hold his emotions in check. “I loved your sister with all my heart, and what I did can’t be excused. The only thing I’ll say is I made a lot of wrong decisions and I want to try and make up for it now. If you’ll let me.” The last part almost came out like a plea.

Star looked at the broken man in front of her. She didn’t know what to think. For years, she had seen him as the villain, but he couldn’t be all bad, could he? Her sister had loved him, had died still loving him. They had produced a beautiful child with a pure heart.

Tags: Zoe Dod Erotic