Page 40 of Always You

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“No apology necessary,” Star said, pulling back and smoothing her skirt, her self-doubt washed away in the tide of Damian’s passion.

Damian ushered her towards the chair placed in front of his desk. He reluctantly headed to his side of the desk, but not before dropping another kiss on her lips. Working together and keeping their distance was going to take a lot of willpower.

“I have a new client,” Damian started, changing the subject and pushing a folder across his desk.

Star picked it up, her eyes clashing with his as she saw who the new client was.

“Wow! Felt Beverages, the drinks company! Impressive!” Star said, unable to keep the surprise and awe out of her voice. This would be a massive account for the firm if they could capture their business.

“I was in talks with them in the US before I came over,” Damian explained. “They want to start the ball rolling, so they’re flying over. They want us to meet with them to discuss some of the finer details.”

“Us?” Star jolted, her heartrate picking up at the thought.

“Yes, us. They want to include the UK office. This is to become a joint project, and I’d like you to work on it with me.”

“I’m not sure what to say,” Star said, her brain and heart racing at the prospect. This was a career-changing client. “Why me? There are many more members of staff who have more experience than me.”

“That may be so, and before you say anything, this has nothing to do with us. They’ve seen your work and they’re impressed. They’ve asked to meet with you.”

“I’m flattered, but I’m still working my way up … I’m still learning.”

“My father is on board with this, and believe me, he wouldn’t be if he didn’t think you were up to the task. This client’s business is huge, he’s not going to risk losing them on a whim. He has every faith in you, as do I.”

Excitement at the prospect of being part of this flooded Star’s body. Lily was obviously looking down on her and Skylar.

“Okay, I’m in,” Star said with a grin.

“Excellent,” Damian said, getting up and stalking towards her, pulling her out of the chair and against his hard body. “Now, I don’t want you to leave here like you’ve been thoroughly kissed, as I know we need to keep this on the down-low. However, you are going to let me drop you off at home this evening. No more getting the train. I want to spend as much time as I can with you.”

Star stared up into his eyes, passion and determination staring back at her. How was this happening? All her dreams were coming true.

Without waiting for her answer, Damian dropped a kiss to her ear, whispering, “Marcus will be in the underground car park at five fifteen. We’ll wait for you and grab some takeaway on the way home. Skylar can then read to me before I leave.”

Star nodded her agreement. Damian’s thoughtfulness towards Skylar was stealing her breath. How was she going to be able to resist this man? The answer was, she wasn’t. It was time to stop being a control freak and let life take its own path.

“No takeaway,” Star said. “I’ll cook.”


Dinner had turned into a family affair. Skylar had been so excited when they arrived at school to collect her that she hadn’t stopped talking the whole way home. She told Damian all about her book and the conversation she’d had with her teacher that morning about the story. She wanted to read to Damian in the car, but Star had drawn a line, telling her that they needed to pick up some ingredients and that she could read to Damian while she prepared dinner for them all.

Star grabbed the ingredients from the local supermarket, while Damian purchased some wine, even though it was a “school night”, as Skylar pointed out. When they got home, Star lay out the ingredients on the kitchen counter and began chopping while Skylar got changed out of her uniform. Damian slid his arms around her waist and nuzzled her neck, sending tingles rocketing throughout her body.

“I’ve wanted to do that all day,” Damian whispered against her neck, sending shivers down her spine, before sliding his hands up and capturing her beaded nipples between his fingers. Star’s eyes closed and she let out a groan, her head dropping back on his shoulder, giving him greater access to her neck, pushing her breasts into his hands. Lowering the knife, she turned in his arms, sliding her hands over his shoulders and into the soft hair at the nape of his neck. Nibbling his chin, she made her way to his mouth where she demanded entry, letting Damian know he wasn’t alone in his desire.

The sound of pounding footsteps broke them apart as Skylar ran back into the kitchen. Coming up short, her gaze flitted between Damian and Star, a sly smile playing across her face. “Were you kissing? Mummy, you look like Aunty Laura when Uncle Toby has kissed her.”

Star felt her face darken in embarrassment. Out of the mouths of babes …

“Yes, I was kissing your mummy,” Damian said. “Do you mind?”

“Do you like her a lot?” Skylar asked.

“I do,” Damian replied.

“Nope, I don’t mind. You make her smile,” she said before moving to the cupboard to grab a glass, the conversation clearly over.

Damian grinned down at Star, who was both embarrassed and shocked at having been caught out by her daughter. Damian dropped a kiss on her nose before moving to help Skylar with her drink. “Do you have any homework?” Damian asked Skylar, remembering her conversation in the car.

Tags: Zoe Dod Erotic