Page 41 of Always You

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Skylar pulled a face.

“Skylar Roberts,” Star said in her sternest voice.

“Okay, okay, I have some maths and history, but they’re not due in until next week,” Skylar moaned.

Crouching down to her level, Damian said, “Well, how about you and I attack the maths and history while Mummy makes dinner. I was hoping we’d be able to go out together this week, and if you haven’t done your homework then we may have to postpone.”

Skylar didn’t need any further encouragement, shooting out of the door to grab her school bag, dragging it back into the kitchen.

When Toby and Laura got home, homework was complete and the table laid, and everyone sat down to dinner, discussing their day. Skylar’s excitement at Damian collecting her from school had both Laura and Toby raising their eyebrows at Star. Someone was clearly smitten with Damian, although, after today, Star’s fear of their future was less pronounced. Nothing was going to be able to keep her away from Damian; she’d tried that and failed.

Before Damian left that evening, he promised to pick her up in the morning, although Star had told him she was quite capable of getting the Tube into the office.

“If you get the Tube, then I don’t get to see you. I appreciate you want to keep our private life out of the office, but with the hours we work, we don’t get any time to talk. Plus, we can discuss the new client brief.”

Star found it very hard to argue with Damian, as she too wanted to spend as much time as she could with him. To be honest, Skylar did take up all her time outside the office, which left little time for socialising.

“Okay, and I’ll speak to Laura and Toby about looking after Skylar when we have the business dinner.”

“About that,” said Damian, “I spoke to Mum and Dad about that. They’d love to have Skylar that night. Rosy has just had puppies, and Mum thought Skylar might like to come and play with them.”

Rosy was Lucas and Mary’s German Shepherd. She was a guard dog, but also as soft as a brush when it came to family. Skylar had been part of her life since she’d been a pup and they’d grown up together.

“Oh, she’ll love that. The only problem is, she’ll want to bring one home,” Star said.

“Don’t worry, Mum and Dad are going to keep one of the pups. Maybe Skylar can help them choose which one. That way she can come to the house and help them with the puppy training.” Her body tingled as Damian dropped a kiss at the base of her neck. “And while she’s playing with the puppy with Mum, maybe you and I can find something else to occupy our time …” Star moaned her response, and Damian chuckled, before spinning her round and deepening their kiss. “I really need to go,” he said sounding pained at the thought.

“I know,” Star said, and pulled herself away. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

Damian adjusted himself, his arousal obvious. He grinned. “I can’t seem to resist you.”

Star let her hand slide over the aching bulge, unable to stop herself. Her mind filled with wonder over the effect she seemed to have on this man. Damian let out a low growl as his eyes closed. Star pulled him into a nearby room, before pushing him against the now-closed door. She unzipped his trousers, and pushed them down his hips, while massaging his burning flesh. Damian’s fingers tangled in her hair as Star dropped to her knees, using her mouth to tease him, and his head fell back against the door, swallowing a moan. Star’s thighs clenched at his response as his hands pulling her closer. It wasn’t long before she felt him harden further and attempt to pull her away.

“I want to be inside you,” Damian whispered, his eyes clouded with passion.

Damian pulled Star to her feet, dragging her against him, his mouth claiming hers. Liquid heat pooled at her centre, leaving her quivering with awareness. Damian’s hand glided over her thigh and under her skirt, shooting pleasure through her nerve endings. Star’s skirt bunched around her waist as Damian teased her swollen nub with his finger. Star gasped, shifting her hips towards him, silently begging him for more. Star felt Damian’s smile against her lips as he moved a finger to her opening, circling and teasing before finally giving her what she craved the most. Damian’s moan matched Star’s at the warm, wet heat awaiting him. Moving them both towards the sofa, Damian spun Star away from him, holding her back to his chest, before running tender kisses down the slender column of her neck. Star shivered at the dual sensations flooding her body. This man could drive her body insane with just the slightest touch.

“Damian…” she whispered, aware Toby and Laura were only metres away in the other room.

Damian seemed to understand her unspoken plea, bending her forwards over the sofa before slipping between her folds, coating himself in her need. Star gasped, biting down on her hand as Damian slid home, leaving them both breathless. Damian froze, allowing her time to adjust to his presence. Needing more, Star moaned and pushed back, letting Damian know she was more than ready. Damian didn’t need any further encouragement, pulling out before pushing back in a desperate rhythm. Star followed his lead, feeling the pressure building low in her body, the sensation of what he was doing to her overriding her ability to think. Her orgasm clenched him tight, causing his own release to explode out.

Damian rested his body on top of hers, his arms encircling her waist, pulling her into the warmth and shelter of his body. Neither one of them seemed capable of moving, both trying to get their ragged breathing under control. Damian finally pulled away, grabbing a nearby tissue box, tenderly cleaning Star. Star stood up and readjusted her clothing, a shy smile playing over her lips, her eyes hooded as she stared at the man in front of her. Rising up on her toes, she placed a gentle kiss on his lips, before pulling away.

“We didn’t use any protection,” Damian said.

“It’s fine, I’m on the pill …” Star watched as a look of disappointment crossed Damian’s features before it was replaced by a smile.

Damian pulled her into his arms and kissed her once more. “I don’t want to leave, but I really need to be going. Marcus is outside,” he said, clearly in no hurry to leave, despite his words.

Star laughed and pushed him off. “Go - I’ll see you in the morning.”

Damian looked like he wanted to say more, but instead backed out of the room.

“I’ll see you and Skylar in the morning. We can drop her off together.”

With that he turned and left, leaving Star standing in a post-coital bliss, loving this man more than ever before. She really was in trouble.

Chapter Fourteen

Tags: Zoe Dod Erotic