Page 38 of Always You

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“Hey,” Laura said, the amusement in her voice disappearing, as she moved closer, placing a hand on Star’s shoulder. “What’s going on? You seemed so happy yesterday. Did you and Damian have a row last night?”

Star shook her head as she sat up and stared at her friend. “No, everything was great,” Star said, searching for the right words to explain her turmoil.

“Then I’m at a loss. Was the sex no good?” Laura asked.

“What? No!” Star replied, colour flooding her cheeks. “I mean … it was amazing, mind-blowing.”

“Great,” Laura said, laughing. “So, what’s the problem? You haven’t had a row, sex is ‘mind-blowing’, and you seemed comfortable in each other’s company. Even Skylar is a Damian fan.”

“There lies the problem. Skylar is already falling under his spell. What happens when he ups and leaves to go back to the US? How do I explain to a six-year-old that he has to go?”

A knowing look crossed Laura’s face. “Oh, hon, you’re thinking too much. No one can predict the future. Damian may decide he’s not going to go back to the New York office. Have you asked him?”

“He will. His life is there. His clients are there. It’s not like he just works there, Laura. He runs the New York office.

“Well, you could always go with him,” Laura said.

Star shot her a look.

“Friday, he hated me; today, who knows. I’ve let him back in my heart, Laura, and I don’t know how to protect myself, or Skylar. I have to accept this is a temporary thing and build some barriers. I know I can’t stay away from him; I’d be lying if I said I could, but I can protect Skylar from any more hurt.”

Laura nodded. “Life itself is only temporary. Sometimes we need to take a chance. Please don’t close yourself off. As your friend, watching you yesterday, you were more alive than I have seen you in years. That is not something you should hide from Skylar. Showing her life is more than just hard work, that relationships make people happy and content – that is a lesson she needs to see whatever the outcome. Worry about the future when the time comes. Live for each day – that is what Lily would have told you to do.”

“That’s low, and she sees you and Toby ‘happy and content’.”

“Yes, but she wants that for you, too. Do you know why she was taken with Andrew and why she likes Damian? It’s because they make you smile and laugh.”

“She said that?” Stars eyes filled with tears.

“She mentioned it when we were getting her photos together. She wants you to be happy. I’m not telling you this to make you cry,” Laura said, her own tears escaping as she looked at her friend. “We all want the best for you. Don’t put roadblocks in the way. Enjoy Damian’s company; let it go where it needs to. If I didn’t think he reciprocated your feelings, I’d be telling you to run, but one look at that man and he’s invested. He always was.”

Star hugged Laura around the waist, letting her head rest on her friend’s growing bump, “What would I do without you?”

“Well,” Laura said, suddenly laughing as a foot or tiny hand pushed hard against Star’s cheek.

Star removed her head, rubbing where the little bump had appeared.

“You’re one lucky little bump. You have an amazing Mummy and Daddy,” she whispered, another kick letting her know she’d been heard.

Laura moved to the kettle and switched it on before turning back to Star. “Love, Star. It’s what you were designed to do. Watching you hold yourself back has been painful. Damian is your soulmate. Life got in the way. If you’ve got a second chance, then go for it. Don’t let fear stop you.”

Star had expected to be berated when she came down this morning. She’d been set to hear what a bad idea she and Damian were. How could she involve Skylar so soon … Instead, she’d been told to “go for it”, throw caution to the wind, and follow her heart. She’d done that years ago and her heart had been broken, albeit by her own hand. Now she had a second chance. Even if their relationship was not destined to be, maybe she would find some closure if he did leave this time, and finally be able to move on with her life. Maybe this was fate’s way of resetting her life.


Damian sent messages throughout the day. Skylar asked if he was coming around again, that they’d had fun, and she wanted to read some more with him. Star struggled to believe how well Skylar had adapted to Damian’s appearance; she knew it was early days and their future was uncertain, but perhaps Laura was right – she should simply embrace the here and now and let fate run its course.

Damian didn’t come round, but he had a Facetime reading session with Skylar instead. Star set up her tablet and sat with Skylar and their book while Damian sat on the other end of the connection with his old copy of the book, which Skylar thought was amazing. They took turns reading, and even Star was roped in. Everyone had to read a page until Skylar’s eyes began to droop and Star called it a night tucking her in. Star made her way back to her room with the iPad, settling herself on the bed.

“Thank you,” she said, smiling at Damian.

“Don’t thank me. She’s a great kid, and if it helps her, I’m happy. Mum talks about Skylar like she’s her granddaughter.”

“Your parents have been amazing throughout it all.”

Damian’s face hardened, leaving Star with a hollow feeling churning in her stomach. “What is it? Why that look?” she asked tentatively.

“It’s nothing …”

Tags: Zoe Dod Erotic