Page 37 of Always You

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The hall had been packed, tables and students everywhere. It hadn’t taken her long to find the Marketing Course table. She would never forget the first time she laid eyes on Damian. He’d stood at the back, looking as bored and disenchanted with the whole thing as she was. She’d been about to make her escape when she’d heard her name shouted across the room. Laura had come barrelling towards her, drawing everyone’s attention to them both, before throwing her arms around Star in greeting. Star remembered the warmth that had spread through her body at seeing her childhood best friend again and it must have showed on her face. Her gaze had caught Damian’s, his interest riveted on her. Their eyes had locked over Laura’s shoulder and every cell in her body had sparked under the scrutiny of his gaze, leaving her breathless and slightly confused. She’d dated before, but no one had left her aching with the need to get closer to them, with a longing to make a physical connection.

But Laura had drawn her attention away from Damian, sweeping Star out of the hall and into the Student Union bar before she’d been able to give Damian a second thought. They’d spent hours catching up and re-establishing their friendship, and by the end of the evening, university life had taken a new turn. No longer were the next four years looking to be all studying, but instead exciting and full of fun. It hadn’t been until later that evening Star had returned her thoughts to the young man with the piercing eyes. She had doubted she’d see him again, but how wrong she had been.

It had been weeks before Damian had reappeared in her life. Mr Forboys, her Visual Thinking lecturer, had convinced Damian and some of his peers to assist in his lecture. Damian had swept into the room and Star had found herself breathless, her heart pounding, colour riding high in her cheeks. He’d captured her eye and smiled, and if she hadn’t been sitting, she would have melted in a pool at his feet. They hadn’t spoken until after the lecture, although the majority of the girls had been tittering about how he was Damian Hunt of Hunt and Hunt Advertising. Star, of course, knew who Hunt and Hunt were. They were an international advertising firm – it was every students dream to get an internship with the company. She supposed Damian’s pathway was already mapped out. He’d be walking into a high-paid job in the family firm.

Star had been lost in her own world after the lecture and hadn’t seen him approach. She’d finally dragged her eyes away from his and kept them focused on her lap in order to pay attention to the lecture. She’d answered questions, but had averted her eyes, so as not to appear like a lovesick puppy, unlike some of the others around her.

“Hi, I wondered if I’d see you again.” Star had jumped at his voice, dropping her pen, leaving her scrambling to find it. Damian had picked it up and passed it back to her calmly. Colour had flooded Star’s cheeks.

“Er, thanks,” she’d said, nearly dropping the pencil again as he returned it to her.

“You never made it to the stand for a chat about what life is like over the next four years. Do you have any questions?”

“No,” was all Star could say, embarrassment flooding her system. How unprofessional – she hadn’t taken the time to find out about the class and it had been noted. Just great! And now, she’d found out that he was the son of one of the marketing company greats!

Damian must have seen the look of despair on her face, because he leant in, whispering “Can I let you into a secret? I didn’t attend during my first year either, and it hasn’t done me any harm. If you know what you want to do, then why do you need someone else telling you it’s the right choice for you. From what I saw today, you seem to know what you’re about.”

“It is, I do …” Star stammered, before finding herself relaxing in his presence. There was something about him, not just his good looks and charm, but it felt like he got her.

They talked for a little while, and the theatre had emptied out, a few of the girls shooting her envied looks as they left. Unsure why Damian had singled her out, she simply sat and watched as their conversation meandered away from advertising to more general topics.

They continued talking until the lecture hall began to fill up again with new students. Star glanced at her watch, her eyes widening. “Damn, I have a lecture about to start across campus. Sorry, I’ve got to go.”

She’d grabbed her bag and headed for the door when Damian touched her arm and said, “May I see you again?”

Star had looked at him with a frown, before asking, “Why?”

“Honestly. You’re refreshing and I’ve enjoyed talking to you,” he’d said, his cheeks colouring with embarrassment.

“Okay, I’ve enjoyed talking to you too.” She’d grabbed his arm and used her rescued pen to write her phone number on his hand. “Message me.” With that, she’d turned and run, her heart pounding. She’d just given her number to a virtual stranger, a gorgeous virtual stranger. Her insides warmed at the thought, an unfamiliar pull forming low in her belly.

She’d only just made her lecture, getting a short look from her lecturer as she burst through the door. It wasn’t aided when her phone pinged loudly in the middle of his monologue. Hiding her phone under her textbook, she opened the message.

Damian:Can I take you to dinner tonight?

Closing her phone, Star had placed it back in her pocket. Did she want to go to dinner with Damian Hunt? Should she go to dinner with him? She didn’t really know him. She’d waited until after class before sending Laura a message.

It had taken Laura all of ten minutes to call her back and demand to know what was happening. She’d told Star she categorically had to go to dinner with Damian. She had of course Googled him and told Star he was gorgeous and she’d be an idiot not to. Uncomfortable with the whole scenario, Star had agreed and messaged Damian back.

Star:Okay, what time?

Her phone had buzzed instantly.

Damian:Be ready by 7. I’ll pick you up.

After lectures, Laura had torn Star’s wardrobe apart, trying to find the perfect outfit. Her friend’s enthusiasm did little to remove the sick feeling Star had been experiencing all day since agreeing to this mad date. By the time Damian arrived, Star’s nerves were on edge. It hadn’t been her imagination; his presence definitely caused her stomach to contract. A warmth she’d never felt before had enveloped her whole body. When he captured her hand in his, her response had been electric; she wasn’t the only one to feel it – of that she was sure. Damian had gazed down at their joined hands before his eyes had returned to hers, a small smile playing around his lips. They’d left then, Damian never relinquishing her hand. He’d touched her whenever he could and she’d relished in his attention, glowing with the need to be close to him. That evening had been the start, and their relationship had only gone from strength to strength. They had been inseparable. She’d met his family, who she’d found to be remarkably normal and welcoming. She’d even introduced him to her sister and mother. Her mother had actually been welcoming for once in her life, lavishing Damian with the Daphne Roberts first-class treatment.

Star had never questioned if falling in love was easy. With Damian, it had been inevitable, natural. For nearly three years, they’d been together, surviving Damian graduating and starting work, and supporting each other’s dreams. Star would never have foreseen what was to come.


When Star woke up the following morning, the pillow still held an indent where Damian’s head had been, but the bed itself was cold. Running her hand over chilled space, a deep ache spread through her chest. What was she doing? They’d gone from mortal enemies two nights ago to insatiable lovers, it would seem. Flopping onto her back, Star covered her eyes with her arm. Had she lost her mind? It had taken her years to recover from Damian’s departure the first time, if she ever had, and that was with all the distractions at the time. Now she’d opened herself up to all the hurt and heartache again, but she couldn’t resist him or stay away; he was the air she breathed. The only difference this time was she’d invited Skylar along for the ride, so it wasn’t only her heart on the line now.

Star heard Laura and Toby’s bedroom door open and close before someone headed downstairs. She needed to speak to another grown-up before her mind drove her insane. Grabbing her dressing gown, Star headed out, catching Laura entering the kitchen.

“Good night?” Laura asked with a grin on her face. “I haven’t seen you look as relaxed as you did yesterday in a long time.”

Star collapsed into one of the kitchen chairs, burying her head in her hands with a groan. “What am I doing?”

Tags: Zoe Dod Erotic